Year 6 Lockdown Home Learning 2020/2021

Year 6 W/B 1.3.21

Year 6 W/B 22.2.21

Year 6 W/B 8.2.21

Year 6 W/6 1.2.21 

Children’s Mental Health Week (1st-7th February)

Year 6 W/B 25.1.21

Year 6 W/B 18.1.21

Year 6 W/B 11.1.2021

Year 6 W/B 4.1.2012

Year 6 October Lockdown 2021


Hello Year 6,

If you are working from home or in the key worker bubble your work is here, remember you can use education city, purple mash,, read theory, Oxford reading and BBC bite-size: 

Mathematics Year-6-Summer-Week-9


Lesson 1 – Area and perimeter
Lesson 2 – Area of a triangle (3)
Lesson 3 – Area of a parallelogram
Lesson 4 – Volume of a cuboid

Lesson 1 Answers – Area and perimeterLesson 2 Answers – Area of a triangle (3)Lesson 3 Answers – Area of a parallelogram
Lesson 4 Answers – Volume of a cuboid


UKS2 Emoji Multiplication Mosaic Differentiated Activity SheetS


If you have not finished last week’s maths work scroll down to bubble A and B work.

English You can choose to use either the read and response unit from LPSD or the Talk for Writing booklet for you literacy this week.Option 1: Y6 7-Villains greater depth


Y6-Treasure- TFW

Option 2: Year 5 and 6 wk 11 space
Yr 6 Wk 12 vindictive villains


Marcus Rashford-differentiated-reading-comprehension
Ariana Grande Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity

Year-5-or-6-Spellings-Whole-Year (choose 12 spellings each week)

*In school we are going to be opening our letters that we wrote at the beginning of the year and then writing another letter to ourselves to open in 5 years time*

Wider Curriculum Work through this transition booklet over the next couple of weeks, you may need to look at your new school’s website and talk to someone you know who currently goes to the same school if possible:
Getting Ready for High School


Class of 2020 memory board project: Class of 2020 memory board


PSHE: Five Ways to Wellbeing project

Think Outside the Box Activity: Design a Park
Perfect Remote Control
Ten Star Hotel

Transition booklets to be completed over the next few weeks provided by Archbishop Temple:
French primary booklet
Primary francophonics booklet





If you are in Year 6 bubble A or B your follow up tasks/home learning are here – you may also bring activities home from school to complete:

Mathematics Year-6-Week-8
Lesson 1 – Solve two-step equations
Lesson 2 – Find pairs of values (2)
Lesson 3 – Convert metric measures
Lesson 4 – Miles and kilometresLesson 1 Answers – Solve two-step equations
Lesson 2 Answers – Find pairs of values (2)
Lesson 3 Answers – Convert metric measures
Lesson 4 Answers – Miles and kilometres


If you have completed this maths work you can move on to the next week’s work (see above in key worker/home learning work).


UKS2 Emoji Multiplication Mosaic Differentiated Activity SheetS


English You can choose to use either the read and response unit from LPSD or the Talk for Writing booklet for you literacy this week.Continue with the unit you are working on or start a new one:


Option 1: Y6 7-Villains greater depth
Y6-Treasure- TFW

Option 2: Year 5 and 6 wk 11 space
Yr 6 Wk 12 vindictive villains



Marcus Rashford-differentiated-reading-comprehension
Ariana Grande Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity

Year-5-or-6-Spellings-Whole-Year (choose 12 spellings each week)

Summer Term 2 Week 3

Mathematics Year-6-Week-6 (This link will take you to daily starter activities and teaching videos for each of the daily lessons – watch these each day before completing the activities below)
Lesson 1 – Fractions to percentages
Lesson 2 – Equivalent FDP
Lesson 3 – Order FDP
Lesson 4 – Percentage of an amount


Lesson 1 Answers – Fractions to percentages
Lesson 2 Answers – Equivalent
Lesson 3 Answers – Order
Lesson 4 Answers – Percentage of an amount

Y6_Core_Arithmetic_Test_2 Y6_Extension_Arithmetic_Test_6 (harder option)

TT Rockstars (Times tables practice sheet)
Extra: Problems of the Day – Full Set with Answers – Blue (1) (Play the slideshow from whichever slide you would like and then click to reveal the answers)

Literacy You can choose to use either the read and response unit from LPSD or the Talk for Writing booklet for you literacy this week.


Option 1:  Year_6_wk_9_explorers_and_adventurers

Option 2: Y6-Monsters TFW

Year-6-summer-term-1-spag-activity-mats-2 (spag) Spellings 8
spellings list 8 (new test set)

Fa Cup Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity

STEM Science and Engineering challenge cards
Here are lots of fun science and engineering challenges for you to try. Complete one (or more) each week.
Project Create a PowerPoint presentation biography about your favourite sports person, past or present. Headings may include: Early life, Childhood and Schooling, Early Career, Lifetime Achievements, Career Highlights, Family Life etc.Use this e-book as inspiration: I Can Be Sporty PDF Ebook (An interesting e-book about famous sports-people)


Extension: Create a set of Top Trumps of your favourite sports stars. Top-Trump-Template

Geography Two week local geography project: What is my local area like


Map Resources: Grimsargh OS map Grimsargh OS map close Longridge OS Map Longridge OS Map close Chipping OS close  Chipping OS map

If you would like any other maps or aerial maps:

Username: PR25SD
Password: scibes6079

Summer Term 2 Week 2

Mathematics Year-6 Decimals


Lesson 1 – Multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1,000 Lesson 2 – Multiply decimals by integers 2019
Lesson 3 – Divide decimals by integers 2019
Lesson 4 – Decimals as fractions 2019


Lesson 1 Answers – Multiply and Divide by 10, 100 and 1,000
Lesson 2 Answers – Multiply decimals by integers 2019
Lesson 3 Answers – Divide decimals by integers 2019 Lesson 4 Answers – Decimals as fractions 2019

Literacy Y6 Wk8 explorers_and_adventurers (Literacy unit for the week including links to resources – you can pick and choose from this plan but should complete a task each day)


spellings 7
spelling list 7

Year-6 spag-activity-mat-1 (new test set – formal and informal)

Ruby Bridges Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity

STEM Science and Engineering challenge cards
Here are lots of fun science and engineering challenges for you to try. Complete one (or more) each week.
Project Create a PowerPoint presentation biography about your favourite sports person, past or present. Headings may include: Early life, Childhood and Schooling, Early Career, Lifetime Achievements, Career Highlights, Family Life etc.Use this e-book as inspiration: I Can Be Sporty PDF Ebook (An interesting e-book about famous sports-people)
PSHE Theme: Diversity


Here you will find a file of resources linking to developing your understanding of diversity. I would encourage you to discuss this theme with a family member if possible and some activities will need to be adapted for you to do at home rather than in the classroom.

Religious Education Think about and discuss with someone if you can, any current issues you have read about or seen in the news recently, or maybe something that is going on in your own personal or family life.


Write a prayer for yourself, someone else, a group of people or animals using the template below.
Prayer writing worksheet

Summer Term 2 Week 1

Mathematics Year-6-Week-4 (This link will take you to daily starter activities and teaching videos for each of the daily lessons – watch these each day before completing the activities below)Lesson 1 Multiply fractions by integers
Lesson 2 Multiply fractions by fractions
Lesson 3 Divide fractions by integers (2)
Lesson 4 Fractions of an amount


Lesson 1 Answers Multiply fractions by integers
Lesson 2 Answers Multiply fractions by fraction
Lesson 3 Answers Divide fractions by integers (2)
Lesson 4 Answers Fractions of an amount

Active Maths:
Fraction Quest worksheet
Fraction Quest instructions

Literacy y5/6 wk 7 Hygiene health and heroes (Literacy unit for the week with links to resources) (new test set)


spellings week 6
spelling list 6 (spelling)
homophones 1 (grammar)
I Can Be Sporty PDF Ebook (An interesting e-book for you to read about famous sports-people)

STEM Science and Engineering challenge cards
Here are lots of fun science and engineering challenges for you to try. Complete one (or more) each week
Topic A Local History Project (Please complete your history project this week and email or send it to me on seesaw)
French Ready Steady Go (Lesson plan) Tour_de_France_facts_Betsy_Belle (video clip) (website link)
Fr_Design_a_cycle_vest (design a cycle vest template) (online dictionary to support simple sentence description)

Summer Term 1 Week 5

Mathematics Year-6-Week-3-1 (This link will take you to daily starter activities and teaching videos for each of the daily lessons – watch these each day before completing the activities below)
Y5_Extension_Arithmetic_Test_5 (easier) Y6_Extension_Arithmetic_Test_5 (harder)



Literacy Y6 Wk 5 Climate Change (Literacy unit for the week with links to resources)


Spellings 5
Spelling list 5
prepositions – grammar
semi colon – punctuation (new test set)
Poetry Reading Revision Mat
Fiction Reading Revision Mat

STEM Science and Engineering challenge cards
Here are lots of fun science and engineering challenges for you to try. Complete one (or more) each week.
History A Local History Project (2 week project)



Joy of Moving Home School Festival Booklet
Joy of Moving Home School Festival


Ideas about God Week 5

Summer Term 1 Week 4

Mathematics Angles week 2 (This link will take you to daily starter activities and teaching videos for each of the daily lessons – watch these each day before completing the activities below)
Lesson 3 Problem Solving
Lesson 4 Problem Solving
Y5_Extension_Arithmetic_Test_4 (Easier) Y6_Extension_Arithmetic_Test_4 (Harder)
National Numeracy Day Virtual Festival Schedule_final
Literacy (reading and writing) Y6 Wk 4 Robots part 2 (Literacy unit for the week with links to resources) (new test set)
Inverted commas (punctuation)
Prefix (spelling/grammar)
Spellings week 4
Spelling list week 4
Stormzy Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity
STEM Science and Engineering challenge cards
Here are lots of fun science and engineering challenges for you to try. Complete one (or more) each week.
French Cafe_role_play_phrases_with_French_audio (Practise reading and speaking cafe vocabulary and phrases)  Cafe_language_foods_i_like
Cafe_Triarama_Y6_French (Use the PowerPoint resources to make the triarama and write conversations between the people in the cafe)
A cafe song:
 Christian Aid Prayer diary April-July 2020 (Christian Aid prayer diary)
If you would like to get involved with fundraising:


Parents will need to monitor these links as they are via the Christian Aid Facebook page: (Link to Christian Aid quiz) (Link to Christian Aid daily reflections)

Summer Term 1 Week 3

Mathematics Angles week 1 (This link will take you to daily starter activities and teaching videos for each of the daily lessons – watch these each day before completing the activities below)
Literacy (reading and writing) Y6 Wk 3 Robots part 1 (Literacy unit for the week with links to resources) (new test set)
spelling activity 3
spelling list 3
hypen (punctuation activities)
Parts of a Plant – Seeds ebook
ICT Log in to Purple Mash, go to the 2Dos and complete the 2Quiz activity. You could create a VE Day quiz, one that links to the literacy unit or choose a different but still interesting topic instead.
VE Day Project Here are lots of VE Day activities for you to have a go at this week. I would like you to create either a poster, PowerPoint presentation, information booklet, leaflet or video presentation all about VE Day. (Video about VE Day)
Design a VE Day medal
WW2 Spitfire Glider Paper Craft
Bunting template
Morse Code cracker activity
Powerpoint presentations with VE Day information will be emailed to parents.
Picture News Special Resource – VE Day 75th Anniversary 2020  VE Day 75th Anniversary Resource – April 2020
VE Day Wordsearch

Extras Passport to Safer Cycling (Cycling safety activity booklet)

Summer Term 1 Week 2

Mathematics Daily Arithmetic and Problems week 2 (daily starters)


Maths Unit: Statistics – 30 mins per day – Choose areas you would like to work on. I would suggest covering mean, range, median and mode.
statistics answers
(link to bitesize videos/activities on mean/median/range/mode)

Y6_Extension_Arithmetic_Test_2 (harder) Y5_Extension_Arithmetic_Test_2 (easier)
Active Maths Activities:
Flag-It-Up instructions Flag-It-Up resources

Literacy (reading and writing) Y6 Wk 2 Wonder (Literacy unit for the week with creative links)
parenthesis (grammar activity)
spellings week 2
spelling list week 2 (new test set)
Infographics Human Body PDF Book (an e-book to read)
Pet Care of a Bearded Dragon Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity (reading comprehension extra)
Geography (link to live lesson)


Activity sheets you will need for the live lessons:
Activity-Sheets-1- Food Web
Activity-Sheets-2-sustainability and recycling
Activity-Sheets-3-reduce reuse recycle

RE Unit 6.6 RE week 2
PSHE PSHE Starting Secondary School
History Who were the ancient Egyptians? What was life like for the Ancient Egyptians?

Extras Passport to Safer Cycling (Cycling safety activity booklet)


PE: (links to PE ideas)

Summer Term 1 Week 1

Mathematics Daily Arithmetic and Problems  (Starters)
Maths Unit: Fractions Decimals Percentages – 30 mins per day or more – choose areas you think you need to work on.
fractions decimals percentages
fractions decimals percentages answers


Weekly arithmetic test:
Y6_Extension_Arithmetic_Test_1 (harder)
Y5_Extension_Arithmetic_Test_1 (easier)

Literacy (reading and writing) Y6 Wk 1 It’s Magic! (literacy unit for the week including creative links)
Spelling week 1
spelling list week 1
Why Do I Poo?! (A fun e-book for you) (new test set)
possession (grammar activity)
Science (link to lesson video)


You will need to print these sheets or at least be able to see them during the lesson.
Activity 1  Activity 2  Activity 3  Activity 4

RE Unit 6 RE week 1
Topic French:
[13893]Y6_Summer_Term_1_-_Key_French_phrases (key words and phrases)[15801]Fr_Cafe_chat_Conversation_Buddies


_Pronunciation_Practise_ (presentation)

[12583]1__Cafe_chats_and_conversations- (lesson plan for parents)

DT/Geography: (link to instructions on how to make a recycled bird feeder) (link to instructions on how to make a bird kebab)

PE: (links to PE ideas)



Here you will find links to some useful year 6 information and documents:

Year 6 Newsletter Autumn 2019

Key Learning in Reading in Year 6

Key Learning in Mathematics – Year 6

Key Learning in Writing in Year 6

Assessment and Progression for Spelling 06.02.19

Year 6 curriculum evening 2019

Year-6-Long-term-topic-planning-grid 2019-20

(This long term plan will differ as we revamp our school curriculum this academic year)