Welcome to Year 5
Welcome to Year 5!
Our Year 5 team
Miss Corkish (class teacher)
Mrs Wane (teaching assistant)
Spring term 2025
Thank you for visiting the Year five class page.
Please find below a copy of the Year 5 curriculum overview for the Academic Year and our timetable for the Spring term. If there are any changes to any of these documents throughout the term, I will contact you via email and upload the most recent copies on this page.
I have also attached the PDF copy of the Year 5 spring newsletter which was sent out in the first week of this term, alongside some important information regarding home learning.
We are looking forward to welcoming the children back into Year 5 for an exciting and busy Spring term!
Thank you for your support,
Miss Corkish & Mrs Wane
Spring term 2025 – class timetable
Key information:
Reading at home: All children are expected to read at home daily and their diary is to be signed each time they read. Please remember to ask Miss Corkish or Mrs Wane when you need to change your book. Here is a list of year 5 book recommendations.
When your child is reading at home, it is helpful to ask some comprehensive questions. This will help to ensure that your child understands what they are reading! Here, I have attached a few examples of reading comprehension questions which may help you get started.
Mathletics: Mathletics homework will be set weekly every Monday for the children to complete. This either links to the learning set in class, or is a recap from previous learning. Please help support your children by making this part of your home routine and ensure children have a small whiteboard or piece of paper available to help with jottings.
Spellings: Spellings will be set and tested weekly every Tuesday. Children will write these in their reading diary at school. These are taken from our No Nonsense spelling scheme and the year 5/6 spelling word lists. There may also be some topic specific words/key vocabulary that we have come across throughout the week. Some children will focus on learning to spell high frequency words as part of their weekly spellings. There will usually be 8-10 spellings. You can use the Look, Cover, Write, Check to learn the spellings or use the ideas below:
PE: Our PE days for the Spring first half term will be Tuesday (Indoor PE) and Friday (Outdoor PE). Importantly, this will change after 24th February. We have an external cricket coach who will teach the children cricket each Monday, starting on 24th February.
Let’s go sing: This term the children have a big performance to prepare for! If the children wish to practice these songs at home, the music/lyrics are available online. All children have the password to the LGS website in their reading diaries.