Reception – New Starters

Hello to all children and families of our new Reception class for 2024! 


I’m really looking forward to meeting you all at our induction evening on Tuesday 4th June at 6pm, and I especially can’t wait to meet our new class of 2024 at our induction afternoons on 1st, 3rd, and 4th July 1:15-3pm!

At our induction evening, we will be delivering a presentation to give you lots of information about your child starting in September, and answer any questions you may have.

You will be able to meet our EYFS team of myself: Miss Lemmings, and the teaching assistant Miss Begbie. You will also be able to meet the Headteacher, Mr Booth, and our Nurture and SEN lead Miss Smith, as well as our breakfast/afterschool club staff from Discovery Vine. 

At our induction afternoons, your child will have chance to meet the rest of their class, to explore our areas, develop relationships with peers and teachers, and start to feel what it’s like to be in Reception class! 

Please find below some useful documents that you can be reading in preparation for September.  



See you soon! Miss Lemmings, Reception Class Teacher : )