Autumn Worship
Remembrance Day
St Michael’s Day
Harvest 2023
Harvest 2022
Reverend Neil welcomed us in church for our Harvest Festival. The children praised God for His wonderful creation by singing, He’s got the whole world in His hands,’ ‘The Harvest Samba,’ and the ‘Harvest Song.’ A group of year four children shared their colourful art work and took the lead when we prayed. The year sixes read from the Bible and took the lead during our reflection time. Our year one children performed the song, ‘Cauliflowers fluffy,’ was performed by the year ones. Four year fives read our their Harvest poems too.
How do you thank God for the Harvest?
Do you ever consider what people have to do in order to gather in healthy crops at Harvest time?
Sharing the world’s resources to ensure that everyone has enough food to eat is an ongoing issue.
What can you do to make a difference?
Resillience Week- Do you have the courage to trust God?
During Resillience week the children focused on mental health and resillience. During worship the children enjoyed singing ‘In Christ Alone,’ . They discussed their understanding of mental health. We all have mental health. Mental health is about our feelings, our thinking, our emotions and our mood. We discussed the fact that it is ‘ok not to be ok.’ The children then talked about what we can do to support each other when we are not ok.
How do you support your friends and family during challenging times?
Look at the ten a day:
Miss Walwin-Holm is promoting resillience and improved self-esteem. Can your son/ daughter tell you about ‘Take Turns Tuesday’ or ‘Thoughtful Thursday’?
During worship we thanked God for being a friend during the good times and the challenging times.
We thanked God that we can share our weakness with Him and He gives us His strength.
Black History Month
Miss Threlfall is our History subject leader. During whole school worship on Monday, she focused on Black History Month with the children. The children listened to ‘This is Me,’ from The Greatest Showman. They found out about Black History Month- when it started, how it’s celebrated and why it is so important. The children discussed the meaning of racism and looked at a few examples of how people have overcome it.
Black History month, courage and worship. What can you do? Black History Month
Autumn 2
Christian Value: Thankfulness
Count Your Blessings,’ What does this mean?
During worship this week, the children counted their blessings. Rory and Avneet shared a short sketch about two friends who were feeling rather down in the dumps. The friends discussed why they were feeling miserable and then found that counting their blessings really cheered them up and made feel much more positive. By finding lots of things to be thankful for, the things that had gone badly, didn’t seem so important any more.
During worship, we set a timer and the children spent thirty seconds sharing and counting their blessings.
How many blessings can you count in thirty seconds?
In class, the children enjoyed writing their own blessings prayers and they are focusing on sharing something or someone they are thankful for.
Remembrance Day
Year 5
Year 5 took the lead during our Remembrance Day worship on Thursday.
We gathered together at 11:00 a.m. on the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the year, to give thanks for the brave troops who sacrificed/ sacrifice themselves to protect us.
The Bible Society- Year 2
At the beginning of November, the Year 2 children took the lead during worship.
We thanked God for our wonderful school and community and the children reminded us how fortunate we are to have access to a diverse range of books and easy access to the Bible and holy books.