Year 6 W/B 8.2.21

Below you will find the home learning for this week:
Timetable if you would like to follow: home learning timetable
Lockdown Rainbow Reading Challenge: Rainbow reading challenge School

Friday 12th February ‘A Day with a Difference’:
A day with a difference
Here is the plan for Friday! Have a wonderful day and I hope you enjoy the activities. You do not need to post anything to Seesaw on Friday unless you would like to! Happy half term! 


Daily timestables booklet: 1 minute per session
Full Programme – 5 sessions_week – questions (optional but recommended)

Daily starter questions: Year-6-Spring-Block-3-FB4


Lesson 1 (Mon): 
Video link:
Worksheet: Find-a-rule-one-step lesson 1

Lesson 2 (Tues): 
Video link:
Worksheet: Find-a-rule-two-step lesson 2

Lesson 3 (Wed): 
Video link:
Worksheet: Forming-expressions lesson 3

Lesson 4 (Thurs):
Video link:
Worksheet: Substitution lesson 4

Active Maths Extra:
Turn around snap(instructions)

Turn-Around-Snap(snap cards)

Extension questions: Yr-6-Spring-Block-3-Algebra 

Answers if you would like to mark:
Find-a-rule-one-step answers
Find-a-rule-two-step answers
Forming-expressions answers
Substitution answers



Spelling Activity: Use the Oxford Owl login (sent on Seesaw), go to Read Write Inc Spelling, search year 6 and activity ‘Word Endings Year 6’. Complete this spelling activity.

Lesson 1 (Mon): Planning our shared story

Story plan to complete: plan

Lesson 2 (Tues): Writing the first paragraph

Self assessment: self assessment adventure story 1

Features of an adventure story: _Key_Features_of_Adventure_Stories

Lesson 3 (Wed): Writing the second section (flashback) and third section (disaster)

How to start a flashback ideas: Ways to start a flashback

Lesson 4 (Thurs): Writing the fourth section (problem) and the final section (resolution)

Handwriting and grammar daily activities:


Wider Curriculum:

History (Mon): The Vikings and Anglo-Saxons presentation 2

Science (Tues): What is the most unusual animal on earth? Science project!

RE (Wed): Exodus Unit 6.3A Week 3 Year 6

French (Wed): Watch and listen to the presentation to remind you of how and what we play sports with: [15783]How_do_you_play_this__French_audio (1)

Activity: Use the example to complete your own comic strip. You can add drawings to match too! [12539]Y6_Sport_Story_Strip_French

Learn about the French sport’s shop: [15783]Sports_shop_biarritz_

Art and DT (Thurs): Parish message Year 6

Daily Worship: DWDL 8th Feb 2021

PE: Check out the PNE videos sent on Seesaw! 

PL Champions – Season1 KS2