Year 6 W/6 1.2.21

Below you will find the home learning for this week:
Timetable if you would like to follow:home learning timetable
Lockdown Rainbow Reading Challenge: Rainbow reading challenge School



Daily timestables booklet: 1 minute per session
Full Programme – 5 sessions_week – questions (optional but recommended)

Daily starter questions: Year-6-Spring-Block-2-FB4

Lesson 1 (Mon): 
Video link:
Worksheet: Percentage-of-an-amount-1 Lesson 1

Lesson 2 (Tues): 
Video link:
Worksheet: Percentage-of-an-amount-2 Lesson 2

Lesson 3 (Wed): 
Video link:
Worksheet: Percentages-missing-values Lesson 3

Lesson 4 (Thurs):
Video link:
Worsheet: Order-FDP lesson 4

End of unit assessment Spring-Block-2-Year-6-Percentages2

Lesson 5 (Fri): Y6_Core_Arithmetic_Test_9

Active Maths Extra: Equivalent-Threes-Y6-fractions decimals percentages Equivalent-Threes-Y6-F-Obj9

Extension questions: Yr-6-Spring-Block-2-Percentages 

Answers if you would like to mark:
Percentage-of-an-amount answers
Percentage-of-an-amount-2 answers 
Percentages-missing-values answers
Order-FDP answers



Spelling Activity: Use the Oxford Owl login (sent on Seesaw), go to Read Write Inc Spelling, search year 6 and activity ‘Playing with Plurals Year 6’. Complete this spelling activity.

Lesson 1 (Mon): Character’s thoughts and feelings

Think, say, feel template:
Think Say Feel(word)
Think Say Feel(pdf)

Lesson 2 (Tues): Analysing events and making predictions

horoscope template

Lesson 3 (Wed): Vocabulary and poetry lesson:

Lesson 4 (Thurs): Poetry 
Starter: watch the video and complete the activity

Poetry lesson Thursday:

Lesson 5 (Fri): Features of an adventure story

Handwriting sheets: 

Wider Curriculum 


PSHE (Mon): Start the 5 Ways to Wellbeing project today! 5-ways-to-wellbeing-family-guide
Can you start to tick off any of the bingo activities? See how many you can do today and can you complete it all my the end of the week?
Start your weekly wellbeing diary. Complete for each day this week.
Extra: design a poster to advertise the ‘5 ways to wellbeing’

Science (Tues): Create your own classification key for the newly discovered animals! 

RE (Wed): Exodus Unit 6.3A week 2 Year 6 

Art (Thurs): Mindfulness – Mandala patterns Year 6 Jan 2021 

PSHE (Fri): Happy Place

Daily Worship: DWDL 1st Feb 2021

PE: check our the videos sent via Seesaw from PNE 

PL Champions – Season1 KS2