Year 6 W/B 18.1.2021
Mathematics |
Timetable we will be following in school this week if you would like to do the same at home: Timetable week 3 Daily timestables booklet: 1 minute per session Daily maths starters: Year-6-Spring-Block-1-FB4-1 Remember to watch the video before you complete the activities. Lesson 1: Multiply-decimals-by-integers lesson 1 Lesson 2: Divide-decimals-by-integers lesson 2 Lesson 3: Division-to-solve-problems lesson 3 Lesson 4: Decimals-as-fractions lesson 4 Lesson 5: Extension Tasks: Yr-6-Spring-Block-1-Decimals Answers if you would like to mark at home: |
English |
Spelling Activity: Use the Oxford Owl login (sent on Seesaw), go to Read Write Inc Spelling, search year 6 and activity ‘Swap, Double or Drop?’. Complete this spelling activity. We are going to write an independent biography about your chosen scientist using the research we gathered last week. Watch the video for each lesson and we will write a couple of paragraphs each day, this can be hand written or typed on the computer. Send me your final written piece once you have finished. Lesson 1(Mon): video lesson link: Lesson 2 (Tues): video lesson link: Lesson 3 (Wed): video lesson link: Lesson 4 (Thurs): video lesson link: Lesson 5 (Fri): Reading Comprehension t2-e-5036-michael-morpurgo-reading-comprehension-activity_ver_1 Extension Tasks when you have finished your writing: |
Wider Curriculum |
History (Mon): video lesson link: (word)KWL grid vikings (pdf)KWL grid Vikings Presentation so you can use the same links: The Vikings and Anglo-Saxons presentation French (Tues): Fr_sporting_opinions Y6_Spring_Term_1_-_Key_French_phrases
RE (Wed): You will need to have completed the last two weeks’ work. Art and Design (Thurs): Viking figurehead year 6 ICT (Fri): Internet Safety. Class Worship: video link: Home resource 1 Clapping (activities to complete) |