Spring Worship


Easter Worship

  • Bible Fun CLub making palms to wave during singing and worship.
  • Palm Sunday Worship Bible Fun Club leading the singing.
  • Hosanna
  • Year 2 sharing their Paschal Candles.
  • Year 2 sharing their Paschal Candles.
  • Year 2 sharing their Paschal Candles.
  • Reverend Jeff leads whole school worship in church with lots of support from the children.
  • Year 3 leading us in prayer.
  • Year 3 leading us in prayer.
  • Year 3 leading us in prayer.
  • Bible Fun Club leading the singing and actions during our Palm Sunday worship.
  • Bible Fun Club leading the singing and actions during our Palm Sunday worship.
  • Bible Fun Club leading the singing and actions during our Palm Sunday worship.


  • Y5 Art Inspired by our Easter hymns.
  • Y5 Art Inspired by our Easter hymns.
  • Y5 Art Inspired by our Easter hymns.
  • Y5 Art Inspired by our Easter hymns.
  • Y5 Art Inspired by our Easter hymns.
  • Y5 Art Inspired by our Easter hymns.
  • Y5 Art Inspired by our Easter hymns.
  • One of the winning entries from the decorated egg and pebble art competition.
  • One of the winning entries from the decorated egg and pebble art competition.
  • One of the winning entries from the decorated egg and pebble art competition.
  • One of the winning entries from the decorated egg and pebble art competition.
  • One of the winning entries from the decorated egg and pebble art competition.
  • One of the winning entries from the decorated egg and pebble art competition.
  • One of the winning entries from the decorated egg and pebble art competition.
  • One of the winning entries from the decorated egg and pebble art competition.
  • One of the winning entries from the decorated egg and pebble art competition.
  • One of the winning entries from the decorated egg and pebble art competition.
  • One of the winning entries from the decorated egg and pebble art competition.

Year 5 making hot cross.

What does the cross mean to you? Why?

  • What does the cross mean to you? Why?
  • What does the cross mean to you? Why?
  • What does the cross mean to you? Why?
  • What does the cross mean to you? Why?
  • What does the cross mean to you? Why?
  • What does the cross mean to you? Why?
  • What does the cross mean to you? Why?

Shrove Tuesday

  • Members of Bible Fun Club offer Mr Booth one of their home made pancakes on Shrove Tuesday. How will you turn over a new leaf during Lent?
  • Year 3 lead worship on Shrove Tuesday.
  • Year 3 lead worship on Shrove Tuesday.
  • Year 3 lead worship on Shrove Tuesday.

God’s Love

  • Bible Fun Club reflect on the wonder of God's love and share their thoughts in during worship.
  • Bible Fun Club reflect on the wonder of God's love and share their thoughts in during worship.
  • Bible Fun Club reflect on the wonder of God's love and share their thoughts in during worship.
  • Bible Fun Club reflect on the wonder of God's love and share their thoughts in during worship.



As the children gathered for worship on Tuesday afternoon, they listened to an animated version a well known carol, ‘We Three Kings’ and they enjoyed listening to the story of the wise men visiting the baby Jesus. 
Then they talked about some of their favourite Christmas gifts and completed a quiz- matching gifts to people of diferent ages. After that, Mr Booth talked about his favourite gift. 
What is your favourite gift and why is it so special? 
Your favourite present might  not be the most expensive. It may be something you really wanted or a gift from a special person. 
Can your son/daughter tell you the story about the wise men visiting Jesus? 
Who else visited Jesus? 
How were the shepherds and the wise men different? 
The shepherds were poor and the wise men were rich. The shepherds came from the same country as Jesus and the wise men came from a different country. God wanted the wise men and the shepherds to see the baby Jesus. This shows us that God wants everyone to see Jesus. In God’s eyes, it doesn’t matter if we are rich or poor or what country we are from. 
Just as as the gifts that we talked about at the start of the assembly had a special meaning to the person who received them, so the wise men brought special gifts for Jesus. These gifts were gold, frankincense and myrrh. Gold is a gift fit for a king. It recognized that Jesus was a great king, the King of the world. Frankincense is a special kind of fragrance that was used by a priest. Myrrh is a sweet-smelling liquid and it was rubbed gently into the skin of someone who had died. This indicated that Jesus’ death would be important.
If you could offer a gift to the baby Jesus, what would you give to Him?
A prayer for Epiphany
Dear Lord,
thank you that you wanted both rich and poor to see baby Jesus.
Thank you that as we think about Epiphany,
we are reminded that every person is important to you.
Please help us to use all the gifts that you have given to us.
Thank you for all the good things that you give.