Reception Spring 1

Hello everyone!

Here is all of our learning from the Spring 1 half term 🙂 

Spring 1 learning!

This half term we will be looking at:

Maths – number bonds to 5, numbers to 10, addition to 10, mass and capacity

Phonics – consolidating Phase 2 sounds, segmenting and blending words for reading and writing, beginning Phase 3 sounds, letter formation

Literacy – writing labels, captions and phrases, sequencing stories and events, recognising high frequency words, writing letters clearly

Theme – our local area, winter, polar lands, Chinese New Year, weather

R.E – Stories Jesus Heard, Easter

Thank you to all parents and children for your support with home learning so far, I love seeing all of your posts on Seasaw! 🙂 Now we are getting more organised, and because there are so many wonderful posts on Seasaw, if you could sort your children’s work uploads into the folders I have made on Seasaw that would be fantastic! I have also organised the home learning into the folders below so that you don’t have to scroll for miles! They will stay on there so you can access them at times that suit you.

Keep smiling 🙂

Miss Lemmings x

Our school “Rainbow Reading Challenge!” Rainbow reading challenge School

Reading resources for you to use at home! 🙂 Reading

Home learning:

Reception Home Learning W/B 08/02/21

Reception Home Learning W/B 01/02/21

Reception Home Learning W/B 25.01.21

Reception Home Learning W/B 18/01/21

Reception Home Learning W/B 11/01/21

Reception Home Learning W/B 04/01/21


Reception Newsletter wb 08.02.21

Reception Newsletter wb 01.02.21

Reception Newsletter wb 25.01.11

Reception Newsletter wb 18.01.11

Reception Newsletter wb 11.01.11
