Reception Home Learning W/B 25/01/21
Hello Reception!
I hope you are all doing well. Another week of home learning is ahead of us and I can’t wait for what’s in store both at home and in school!
This week our main focus is going to be on “The Colour Monster” which is one of my favourite stories. We will be talking about all the different emotions and feelings the Colour Monster has, the feelings we have, how things affect how feel, and how we can help ourselves feel happier or calmer if we feel frustrated, sad, or confused. We will also be experimenting a lot with colours and materials to reflect the monster and his emotions in the story!
We will be focusing on mass and capacity in Maths, comparing “heavier” and “lighter” objects by weighing them, as well as looking at capacity for “full” and “empty”, and comparing different containers and how they hold more or less.
As normal, I will upload our R.E. and P.E. throughout the week onto Seasaw as we do these activities in school. Mrs. Coupe will be uploading daily phonics videos as usual too 🙂
Keep your eyes out on Seasaw as always for any extra activities, challenges, and my daily videos! Remember, only do as much as you can – you are all doing amazing, and I am so grateful for all of your support so thank YOU! 🙂 if you have any queries or issues at all, please don’t hesitate to message me and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Have a great week everyone. Miss Lemmings x
Phonics with Mrs Coupe:
(The Loom today has a bit of a change of plan towards the end but it makes it more realistic and closer to teaching in the classroom!)
Wednesday: We have a super special guest!
Remember to keep practising those tricky words and the sounds on the phase 2 and 3 sound mats! And of course our Rainbow Reading Challenge!
Literacy/Topic – The Colour Monster:
Monday: Today we are going to read our story of the week which is The Colour Monster. When I got to class this morning, the Colour Monster had destroyed our role play area because he couldn’t control his feelings! Take a look at what he did, and enjoy the story here: Monday – colour monster story 2
Tuesday: Take a look at our new feelings corner. We are going to use it to think about how we are feeling, and use this area if we need some time to calm down or have some support! Today we are going to think about thinks that make us feel happy! Have a look at some examples I’ve done for you 🙂 Activity sheet: Things that make me happy
Wednesday: (Live Zoom Class at 1:30pm) We will re-read the story together. We will have a mirror(s) in class – please have a mirror handy or sit by one! We will try and show different emotions and see what our faces look like when we show different emotions. Then, on big paper, we will have different areas of the paper for different feelings, and we will doodle different things that make us feel each way – happy, sad, scared, angry, mixed up, loving. It is also Miss Lemmings’ birthday today so we will have a little party game at the end! 🙂
Thursday: All these monster words have gotten mixed up! Can you use your robot arms to sound them out, and then sort them in to real words and fake words? Thursday – real vs monster words
Friday: Let’s get creative! Here are some creative activities we will be doing this week to do with our Colour Monster (there are some more down below in the Continuous Provision section!). Have a look and choose one (or more!) to do at home. Friday – art activities
Monday: Follow the link above. Watch Session 1. Complete the activity:
Tuesday: Watch Session 2. Complete the activity:
Wednesday: Watch Session 3. Complete the activity:
Thursday: Watch Session 4. Complete the activity:
Friday: Watch Session 5. Complete the activity:
Another powerpoint that might help you or give you some ideas to do at home to do with heavier/lighter, and capacity/mass: HLA – Maths ELG (Week 3)
Please see Seasaw for our P.E. activities and R.E. activities later in the week 🙂
Here are a few things we are doing in Continuous Provision this week that you might want to try at home!
Our role play area has been destroyed.. it looks like the Colour Monster has been into our classroom over the weekend and destroyed our shop?! It looks like he couldn’t control his emotions!
We will be printing using different coloured paints and different objects to create different textures – toothbrushes, lego, bubble wrap, sponges, corks.
We will be sorting different objects into the right colours.
We will be making pictures using rainbow rice (plain rice with food colouring!) and experimenting with colour mixing.
In the maths area we will have weighing scales to weigh different things around the classroom and see which ones are heavier, lighter, and if we can make the scales balance.