Reception Home Learning W/B 18/01/21
Hello Reception!
Here is your online learning for this week. Upload anything you do to Seasaw! Work or other exciting things you’ve been up to, I’m loving seeing it all! 🙂
We are going to be focusing on our new story of “The Blue Penguin” and learning all about penguins in topic! We will also be doing some PSED thinking about being unique and what makes us different, just like the blue penguin in the story.
In Maths we are going to be starting number bonds to 5, which is very tricky but we are going to work really hard to get it!
We will continue trying to blend words and recognise our sounds in phonics, and do small sentences and captions.
Remember, our live Zooms are: Monday 9:15am for worship, Wednesday 1:30pm for our live class, and Friday 10:45am for our celebration assembly.
Thank you again for all of your support and hard work at home.
Have a great week everyone 🙂 Miss Lemmings x
Mrs. Coupe will continue to upload videos here daily 🙂 please see last weeks phonics area for any sound mats, tricky words and websites to go on for phonics games 🙂
Monday 18.1.21
Tuesday 19.1.21
Wednesday 20.1.21
Thursday 21.1.21
Friday 22.1.21
Monday: We had a special visitor to our classroom – have a look! He left snow footprints and a nest in our role play area.. and a STORY to read!! Here is the story he left us!
Tuesday: We are going to watch a few videos about penguins to get us thinking, about emporer penguins, and then a chick hatching:
Then we are going to talk about what penguins are! We will talk about some facts, and then look up close at a picture of a penguin and other videos, and label it using our phonics to sound the words out! Penguin facts and Parts of a Penguin (Flipper, bill, webbed feet, feathers, egg)
Wednesday: (This will be on the live Zoom so wait until 1:30!:) we will start with the penguin dance! Then we will re-read the story of The Blue Penguin. We will be thinking about how the blue penguin would feel being different from everyone else, and look at a video of penguin chicks trying to make friends.
We will discuss things that are different and special about us and why it is great to be our unique selves! We will then be making “Kindness Cards” for our friends, with things we like about each other – drawing a picture of our friends and using our phonics to try and write a couple of words representing what we like about our friends 🙂 you could do this for one of your friends or someone in your family! They could make one for you too! I will attach a picture on Seasaw when we make these for inspiration that might help you.
Thursday: After reading the story again, we will try and do a story map. You could do this verbally and record it, or use this sheet to draw a picture in the boxes for different parts of the story! Maybe you could do a caption for the pictures. The Story of the Blue Penguin
Friday: We will be creating some penguin art pictures using finger printing! Here are the instructions: penguin finger painting
Here is a great website for maths games online!
We are working on number bonds to 5! Watch the videos and complete the activities on the sheets below each video. Chilli challenge: can you write a number sentence for some of the examples? For example, 4+1=5.
Monday: Alive in 5 session 1 – number bonds to 5:
Tuesday: Miss Lemmings is having a very strange dinner today.. have a look what’s on my dinner plate to help us practise our number bonds to 5! Loom video:
Activity: Can you draw a picture of your dinner or your toys using 2 groups, and complete the number sentence to make a total of 5? Number bonds to 5 sheet
Wednesday: Alive in 5 session 2:
Thursday: Alive in 5 session 3:
Friday: Alive in 5 session 4:
Wider Curriculum
Keep your eyes out on Seasaw, I will upload our R.E. work later in the week for you to join in with like I did last week – we are carrying on with “The Stories Jesus Heard” and our story this week will be “Noah’s Ark”. We will read the story of Noah’s Ark, look at the animals that go onto the Ark, and think about the positive message at the end of the story shown by the rain passing and the rainbow appearing. We will then make mosaic rainbows 🙂
I will be uploading our P.E. Superworm challenges again on Seasaw on Tuesday and Friday when we do P.E. 🙂 As well as this, Mr. Brooks has found some P.E. videos from Preston North End! Click on this link which will take you to their page. Look for KS1 videos!
We are so very lucky that on Friday, Mr. Booth has sorted us out with a pantomime to watch! (Oh yes he did!) on Friday we are going to watch the pantomime in the afternoon as a special treat for working so hard. Here is the link so you can watch it too! 🙂 Thanks Mr. Booth!! The link is here and I will post the password to Seasaw:
Here are some more great activities that we have kindly been sent for you to do at home, this weeks topic is “Clap for Carers” and this pandemic going on! EY Picture News Resource England – 18th January – Showing thanks (1)
Finally, I will upload some activities during the week that we are doing in continuous provision that you can recreate at home to keep you busy! We are focusing a lot on our phonics this week 🙂 Here are a few example so far:
Can you dig for phonics sounds in sand? Can you make a word on the truck?
Can you use tweezers to put the right number of pompoms in the cupcake cases?
Can you use magnetic letters to create some words?
I spy with my little eye.. can you see any CVC words?
Can you make a snowflake using loose parts?