Reception Home Learning W/B 04/01/21

Home Learning 06.01.20-08.01.20

Phonics  – Phonics sessions will be uploaded daily by Mrs. Coupe 🙂 as well as these sessions, try some of the free phonics games on and in the Phase 2 resource area!

Wednesday 6.1.21

Today you can watch the video below to recap the sounds S A T P 

Can you use objects around your home to make each initial sound? You could use socks to make a S or pens to make a P. Take some photographs.

Starting from Monday 11.1.21, I will add a mixture of pre-recorded videos and activities and links to the Letters and Sounds videos where appropriate.

Please upload any images or activities to Miss Lemmings via Seesaw.

Maths – We are practicing “more” and “fewer” when comparing groups of objects, as well as “1 more” and “1 less” with a group of objects. Here are some activity sheets and some powerpoints that you can use with your children. You can also do simple activities at home for this – counting objects, get your child to close their eyes and take 1 away or add 1, how many are there now? Are there more or fewer? Can you do 2 more or 2 less? How many beds are there in the house.. are there more people in the house or more beds? When eating lunch.. discuss that there are “fewer” sandwiches after one has been eaten! 🙂 cut a banana into pieces, how many pieces are there? Eat a piece, how many are left? Practice writing the numbers too 🙂 The Hide-a-saurus story is a lovely story to help children counting the dinosaurs that appear one at a time.. practice using “1 more” each time one appears in the story, how many are there now?

Topic – We are focusing on the theme of Arctic animals, and the weather in Winter. I have found some great powerpoints that I will be sharing throughout this week with the children at school, and we will discuss the cold weather of winter and what types of nice warm clothes we need to wear in winter! Maybe you could design a lovely warm winter outfit that you would need to wear if you were going outside in the snow! You could label it too, sound out h-a-t hat! Try writing some initial sounds for other things too like c for coat, s for scarf, g for gloves. See if you can hear the end sound as well, like “c” and “t” for the initial and end sounds in “coat”. If you do see any snow or ice, how does it feel if you touch it? What happens if you hold ice.. does it melt? Why? We have some objects at school frozen in ice for the children to see melting, and using magnifying glasses to look closer at the ice as well as using plastic hammers to try and break the ice 🙂 Can you see your breath outside when it is cold? We are also looking at the different types of Arctic animals who always live in the cold. We are learning what some of them are called and trying to write their initial sounds, as well as using our phonics knowledge to try and spell and write some of them! Can you sound out f-o-x fox! The Ten Little Lights story is a lovely story about animals in winter, and also helps children with counting up to 10. How many animals visit the house? How many are there are the end? What types of animals are they?

Why not try...

I am hoping from next week this will all be clearer as we will have more time to prepare, so just bare with me 🙂 thank you for your patience.