Year 3 W.C 25.1.2021
Home learning, Monday 25th – Friday 29th January
Hello Year 3!
We hope you have had a lovely weekend! Please find below the home learning activities for this week. We would like you to complete three activities each day and upload them to Seesaw each day to show us how you have got on so that we may give you feedback.
This week, there will be three Zooms:
Monday – KS2 worship
Wednesday – Our class Zoom
Friday – Class celebration assembly
Parents, please check Seesaw regularly for meeting times and sign-in codes.
English – Warm-up: a or an activity on .
Watch my lesson on Seesaw, which is a book walk-through to practice your inference and deduction skills. Please decide how you would like to complete this activity. You may choose to:
- pause the video after each question and discuss the answers with a grown-up or older sibling;
- work through the separate question sheet below, supported by the paused images on the teaching video;
- choose a couple of questions from each page to provide a written answer for;
- a combination of the above.
Whichever option you choose, please support your answers with evidence from the images (use the clues the illustrator has given us!)
Comprehension question selection
Warm up task: Practise your 3, 4 and 8 times tables. Say them aloud (1×3 = 3…), say the multiples (0,3,6…) and get an adult to ask you questions out of order.
Teaching video 2 (Divide 2 digits by 1 digit (3)):
Activity – Monday Divide-2-digits-by-1-digit-3
Circle group only – watch the video (video 4 – making equal groups, grouping) and try these questions: Monday – week 4-Make-equal-groups-grouping-2019-1
Art – Stonehenge Year 3
English – Warm-up activity: Have a pencil and paper ready to join in with the word hunt!
I am going to reveal the name of yesterday’s story today (some of you may have guessed it!) Watch me tell the story on Seesaw and then refer to the text and images from the book as you complete the table below. This will begin to teach you about the structure of the story, which we will build upon tomorrow.
Tuesday 25th – table to complete
Tuesday 25th – table to complete, Morpurgo and Rowling
Warm up task – times tables rock stars
Teaching video 3 (Scaling):
Activity – Week 4 Tuesday-Scaling
Extension task for those who feel they need more challenge: Week 4, Tuesday Extension Questions
Circle group only – watch the video (video 5 – making equal groups, grouping) and work through the activities as you watch the video.
ICT – Today’s pre-recorded teaching video is our ICT lesson. Watch this on Seesaw first, which teaches you how to use 2Email on Purple Mash, and then spend some time exploring the program and use your fantastic word processing (typing) skills to e-mail your friends. I hope you will find this a fun, safe way to keep in touch!
English – Today you are going to be creating your own story map for Cave Baby! Watch my teaching video on Seesaw first, and then use the biggest piece of paper you can find (there might even be an offcut of wallpaper you are allowed to use) to create your own map. Try to use the same image / symbol to represent a character or creature throughout the map, and remember to include key words. We will be using our story maps for an exciting activity tomorrow!
Warm up task: Log on to Purple Mash. Click on Click on maths then 2simple tabletoons. Choose one of the times tables songs to listen to from both the 4 and 8 times tables. Then click the ‘To Dos’ on the top tool bar. Have a go at playing the recall game. There are other songs and games you can listen to and play on purple mash which will help you to learn your times tables.
Teaching video 4: (How many ways)
Activity – Week 4 Wednesday-How many ways
Extension task for those who feel they need more challenge: Week 4, Wednesday Extension Questions
Circle group only – watch the video (video 1 – divide by 2) and try these questions: Wednesday – week 4-Divide-by-2
Topic – Today’s Topic is a research activity! I would like you to use the following website to research the amazing Skara Brae: Prepare to be amazed! As you read, make notes about key facts and the information that interests you. I would then like you to either:
- draw and label a diagram of the inside of a Skara Brae home. In particular, include the items they had that we still have today (albeit constructed from different materials!)
- OR complete the postcard activity on Purple Mash (set as a 2Do), imagining that you have visited Skara Brae and writing a 1st-person recount of what you saw there.
English – English lesson, Thursday 28th
Warm up task:
Teaching video 1 (Count money – pence):
Activity – Thursday- Reviewing count-money-pence-2019
Extension task for those who feel they need more challenge: Week 4, Thursday Extension Questions
Circle group only – watch the video (video 2 – odd and even) and try these questions: Thursday – week 4 – Odd-and-even-numbers-2019-1
RE – Jesus the man who changes lives:
We’re continuing to think about how Jesus changed Zacchaeus’ life today –
Video of the lesson –
Powerpoint from the video- lesson 3 Jesus the man who changed lives
Story of Zacchaeus read by Mrs Slattery:
English – Warm-up: Remind yourself of how to use inverted commas by watching this clip and then have a go at the quiz!
Watch my video first (, which reminds you of the key features of punctuating direct speech and gives you a couple of modelled examples of what I’m looking for from you today, and then have a go at writing your own conversation between Cave Baby and the mammoth. Many of you included a conversation in your role play activity yesterday, and so you can use that as your basis for today’s written work. Your conversation should be longer than my modelled examples. Remember:
- to punctuate direct speech inside the inverted commas
- the new speaker, new line rule
- to use a range of appropriate ‘said’ words.
If you would like some extra practice first, have a go at inserting inverted commas into the correct places in this text: Inserting inverted commas.
Warm up task – time tables rock stars
Teaching video 2 (count money – pounds)
Activity – Friday- Reviewing-Count-money-pounds-2019
Extension task for those who feel they need more challenge: Week 4, Friday Extension Questions
Circle group only – watch the video (video 3 – divide by 5 ) and try these questions: Friday-Divide-by-5
PSHCE: Keeping safe: none of your business!
With a parent or adult helper, watch the film of Lee and Kim.
This film has been produced by CEOP – an organisation that helps to protect children from harm when using the internet.
Afterwards, discuss the following questions:
- Why did Super Sid turn up? [They were just about to tell the bear which school they go to}
- Why is this wrong? [It’s personal information which should never be shared online with people you don’t properly know.]
- Why does Kim get butterflies in her tummy? [Nervous because she’s not sure about following the bear to the treasure as he asks lots of personal questions.]
What are Sid’s Top tips about staying safe online?
- People you don’t know are strangers, they are not always who they say they are.
- Be nice to people online, like you would be in the playground.
- Keep your personal information private, don’t give away secrets like where you live and the school you go to.
- If you ever get an ‘uh-oh’ feeling (like butterflies in the tummy), you should tell an adult you trust
You might like to make a poster of Picture Wise safety tips to display at home, or to show your teacher and class when you’re back at school!
French – optional extra:
animal quiz to review animal names:
native speaker saying the animal names:
Listen to the sound clip and touch the correct animal: