Year 3 home learning, Spring term 2020-21
Some of us are working at home at the moment, and some of us are working in school. Whilst many things may be different, there is much that remains the same. Mrs Patterson is here between Monday and Wednesday, and Mrs Slattery is here on Thursday and Friday. You will see us every day on Seesaw, and we will continue to teach you and mark your work. We will worship together and celebrate your achievements, and we will look forward to the time that we spend together each week.
Follow the links below to access your home learning activities:
Year 3 W.C. 1.3.2021
Year 3 W.C 22.2.21
Year 3 W/C 8.2.2021
Year 3 W/C 1.2.2021 – Children’s Mental Health Week
Year 3 W.C 25.1.2021
Year 3 W/B 18.1.2021
Year 3 w/c 11/01/21
Year 3 w/c 04/01/21