Year 3 w/c 11/01/21

Home learning, Monday 11th – Friday 15th January

Hello Year 3!

We hope you have had a lovely weekend!  Please find below the home learning activities for this week.  We would like you to complete three activities each day and upload them to Seesaw each day to show us how you have got on so that we may give you feedback.

This week, there will be three Zooms:

Monday – KS2 worship

Wednesday – Our first class Zoom (including a quiz!)

Friday – Class celebration assembly

Parents, please check Seesaw regularly for meeting times and sign-in codes.  Please also refer to last Friday’s newsletter from Mr Booth regarding online safety and Zoom procedures.  We will go over these as a class on Wednesday.


English – Watch my teaching video on Seesaw, and then write a recount which details your journey through / along your chosen experience from Friday’s image.  Use the zone of relevance you completed on Friday and the support bank below to help you.  When you have finished, please reread your work to check that you have written in complete sentences and punctuated them correctly before you upload as this is what I am looking out for today.

Monday support material

Monday support material – Capital Letters and Full Stops


Warm up task: Practise your 3, 4 and 5 times tables.  Say them aloud (1×3 = 3…), say the multiples (0,3,6…) and get an adult to ask you questions out of order.

Teaching video 5 (multiply 2 digits by 1 digit):

Activity – Y3-Spring-Block-1-lesson 1.5 Multiply-2-digits-by-1-digit-1-no exchange

Optional extension: 1.5 Monday extension task

Circle group only– watch the video (add equal groups) and try these questions Monday -Add-equal-groups-2019

ArtStoneage Year 3 (ppt version)  Stoneage Year 3 (pdf version)


English – This morning, I am introducing you to our topic-based book which will support the rest of our English unit – Stone Age Boy.  This is a fictional recount which we are going to skillfully turn into a series of diary extracts, written from the main character’s perspective (1st person).

Listen to me read the story on Seesaw and then refer to the text as you complete the table below to summarise what happens within each ‘chunk’ of time.  If you complete the activity on the Word document attached, you can save it as a pdf and upload the document directly to Seesaw.

Please keep today’s work somewhere safe as you will be referring to it for the rest of the week.

Stone Age Boy text copy

Stone Age Boy story book

Tuesday – table to complete


Warm up task – times tables rock stars

Teaching video 1 (multiply 2 digits by 1 digit with exchange)

Activity – the activity is part of the above video.  Please work out the answers and practice together as you work through the video.

Circle group only – watch the video (video 4, multiplication using the symbol) and try these questions Tuesday – Multiplication-sentences-using-the-x-symbol-2019

PE – Take part in PE with Joe Wicks.  You can either do this live with him at 9am or watch the session back during the day.

Complete a selection of activities from the following document to work towards becoming a Premier League Champion.  There are lots of activities on here, so you can work your way through them throughout the week.  You may even like to plan a training session to carry out with your brother or sister, or as a family.  Remember to upload photographs and videos – we would love to see which ones you choose!

PL Champions – Season1 KS2 (ppt)  PL Champions – Season1 KS2 (pdf)


English – Watch my teaching video on Seesaw first, in which I have also modelled some writing to give you an idea of how to structure your work.  I would then like you to use the support material below to write a first-person diary recount of the boy’s experience as he wakes up in the cave.

Wednesday support material


Warm up task:

Video 2 (Multiply 2 digits by 1 digit (2))

Activity – Y3-Spring-Block-1-lesson 2.2 -Multiply-2-digits-by-1-digit-2-2019

Optional extension: Spr3.2.1-Multiply-2-digits-by-1-digit-exchange (1) 2.2 Wednesday extension task

Circle group only – watch the video (video 5, multiplication sentences from pictures) and try these questions: Wednesday Multiplication-sentences-from-pictures-2019

ScienceScience activity, 13.01.21


English – Warm-up: Watch the clips and then complete activities 1 and 2 –

Watch my lesson on Seesaw and then choose one of the camp tasks from pp.16-17 (chunk 3).  Write a 1st-person diary recount to describe what you experienced (using your senses appropriately – What did you see?  What noise did it make?  What could you smell?  Did you have a go – what did it feel like?)  Include noun phrases to provide more detail.


Warm up task:

Please watch this video  It might might also be useful to watch yesterdays video again too as it gives a lot more support through showing the tens and ones really clearly in a way I couldn’t do on the internet. 

Activity – Formal multiplication questions

if needed – formal method support sheet

Circle group only – watch the video (video 1, using arrays) and try these questions: Thursday-Use-arrays-2019

RE – Jesus the man who changes lives – Lesson 2.

lesson 2 Jesus the man who changed lives

A video of Mrs Slattery reading the story of Zacchaeus from the Lion Storyteller Bible


English – Warm-up:  Watch the clips and complete Activity 2.

Watch my lesson on Seesaw and then write an alternative ending for Stone Age Boy by changing the creature that appears in the cave.  Think about:

  • which creature you will choose (from the Stone Age selection on my video)
  • how to describe its appearance, smell and how it moves
  • how it could use one of its features against you
  • what you (writing in the 1st-person as the boy) will do
  • how you escape.

Some of you may also choose to change how the little boy returns to his home.


Warm up task – time tables rock stars

Following yesterday’s lesson we have decided to have another lesson on multiplication.  You can watch back the videos from Wednesday and yesterday.  Only complete the first sheet.  Cut out the questions and spread them out face down.  Choose a question and write it out with the answer on your squared paper.  Repeat with the remaining questions Extra lesson on multiplication

Circle group only – watch the video (video 2, 2 times tables) and try these questions: Friday-The-2-times-table-2019

PSHCE: Human Body User’s Manual

Your body is amazing! Just think of all the brilliant things it can do. Close your eyes and make a list in your head of 5 things that your body can do (balance, run etc.)

It’s important that we look after our bodies and try to keep them safe.

Print the activity sheet or copy down the headings then write down your ideas. lesson 1 HumanBodyUsersManual

Can you share your ideas with a grown-up? How can they help you to keep your body in tip-top shape?

If you have a body book or you have access to the internet, you might like to find some amazing facts about the body part on your list. Remember – only search safe sites, e.g.  BBC Bitesize has some great information.

French – optional extra:

Colours quiz:

You learnt the days of the week in Autumn term – can you remember them to order them in this activity? Order the days of the week