Year 3 w/c 04/01/21

Happy New Year!

Welcome back Year 3!  We hope you and your families enjoyed a wonderful, restful Christmas break.

If you are working from home today, Monday 4th January, please complete the following activities and upload them to Seesaw by the end of the day:

English:  Our new unit is all about diary recounts; this unit will be linked to our new class topic (to be revealed in the coming days!)  Today I would like you to write a diary entry for your favourite day/days of the Christmas holiday.  Think about:

-the day/days you will choose

-what time you woke up

-how you felt

-what you did

-who else was there

-particularly memorable moments

Please complete this piece of writing as independently as possible and in your neatest, joined handwriting.

Reading:  Spend at least 20 minutes reading a book of your choice.


Teaching video 1:

Activity 1: Y3-Spring-Block-1-Lesson1-Consolidate-2-4-and-8-times-tables-2020(1)

TTRS:  Complete a soundcheck.  The set tables for this week are the 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s.

Art:  Design a piece of artwork using the resources you have at home which represents our new school theme, Footprints.

Home learning, Wednesday 6th – Friday 8th January

Hello Year 3!

Please find below the home learning activities for the rest of this week.  We would like you to complete three activities each day and upload them to Seesaw each day to show us how you have got on so that we may give you feedback.


English – On Monday, I introduced you to our new English unit – diary recounts. I would like you to read through the document below, which is a copy of the teaching slides we would have read in class.

Wednesday 6th pdf

Michael Rosen link:

I would then like you to read the attached diary recount about Kimmy’s ride on The Crazy Spinner and see if you can identify examples of Michael Rosen’s key features within the text. There is a separate table to complete by copying words and phrases from the diary extract into the appropriate columns. If you don’t have a printer at home, you can write a list of examples from the text below each sub-heading.

Rollercoaster diary recount

Wednesday – table to complete

Activity 2 – Use this online thesaurus to find alternative words for the child’s feelings and begin to build a word bank:

Maths –  Teaching video 2 (comparing statements):

Activity – Y3-Spring-Block-1-lesson1-Comparing-statements-2019(1)

Circles – Circles, Wednesday

Optional extension:  Wednesday extension

Topic – Our surprise new topic is… The Stone Age.  This is my favourite Y3 topic!  Our first lesson would have been an introduction to the Stone Age period, so here is a ppt to teach you more about it:  Introduction to the Stone Age  It is also here on a pdf:  Introduction to the Stone Age

On Purple Mash, there is a Stone Age Slide Show (2Do).  It is quite long, so I would like you to read at least two pages about something that catches your interest.  I would then like you to complete a handwritten information poster to present what you learned from the ppt above and your slideshow research.


English – Please see the teaching video on Seesaw first.  Then complete the zone of relevance for the image below.

Thursday – Zone of Relevance

Thursday – image

Maths – 

Warm up activity: write out the multiples of 3, 4, and 8.  Write them forwards then repeat backwards. 

0, 3, 6….   

36, 33….

0, 4, 8….

48, 44….

0, 8, 16….

96, 88….

Teaching video 3 – (related calculations)

Activity: The sheet does suggest you use base ten, which is the tens and ones equipment drawn.  If you think it would help your child you could make your own, I’ve used sticks for the tens rods and small stones/pebbles/conkers for the ones.  Alternatively they could drawn them as a line (tens) and circle/dot (ones) Y3-Spring-Block-1-lesson2-Related-calculations-2019

Circles – watch the video on seesaw first then complete this activity – Circles related calculations

Extension task for more challenge: related calculations – Extension tasks

RE – have a look at this power point for our first lesson on Jesus, the man who changed lives – lesson 1 Jesus the man who changed lives


English – Please see the teaching video on Seesaw first (this will be uploaded after school on Thursday).  Then complete the zone of relevance for one of the images below.

Friday – Zone of Relevance

Friday – images

Maths – 

Warm up task: Times tables rock star

Teaching video 4 – (multiply 2 digits by 1 digit, no exchange, activity)

Circle group – watch this video and have a go at the activity:

This is a first opportunity for children to try multiplying a 2 digit number by a 1 digit number, and is a practical lesson where we encourage the children to try the questions on the video on a whiteboard or work book.  It would be useful to know how they have found this initial look at this type of multiplication, so please upload a photo of their working out with a comment about how challenging they found it in order for us to know how to best approach further work on this.  If it was challenging then working through the video more than once might be useful, and we will do more on this next week.

PSHCE – You’ll need an adult to help with this activity.  This is our first lesson on keeping ourselves safe –

keeping safe lesson 1

The Risk Robot – Activity sheet (1)