Y4 home learning 25/1/21

Home Learning W/C 25/1/21

Hello Year 4!

We hope you have had a restful and enjoyable weekend!  Please find below the home learning activities for this week.  Try to complete three activities each day and upload them to Seesaw each day to show us how you have got on so that we may give you feedback.

This week, there will be four Zooms:

Monday – KS2 worship at 9.45

Wednesday – Our class Zoom – spelling at 9.30

Thursday– Dance Zoom with Miss Burns/Alice and class.

Friday – Class celebration assembly , raffle and Kahoot at 2.30

Parents, please check Seesaw regularly for meeting times and sign-in codes.

This weeks spellings for Wednesday-



Spelling 24 Jan

Here is our suggested home learning timetable for the week- keeping to this, with some added physical exercise will enable you to keep pace with what is happening in class.

home-learning-timetable Y4 25 Jan




Monday link




Tuesday link




Wednesday link




Thursday Link




Friday Link




Using the Are We Flood Ready Activity Sheet, children survey the classroom (or your house) to decide if items would be safe, repairable or ruined by flood water of different heights. Investigate what happens when a river floods and why a river floods. What effect does this have on people? Which part of the UK have suffered flooding that you know of? 

Activity Sheet Are We Flood Ready

Video link for help.



Discuss and write what we could do to help people who have been victims of flooding. Share children’s findings from the survey of the classroom. What improvements can they suggest? (For example, move sockets higher, keep electrical equipment off the floor.) What actions might we want to take if a flood alert was issued for our classroom or your home?

Main activity to write an information text about helping people to prepare for a flood. Look at PDF and Loom video below.

Flood PDF

Video 2



Comprehension- based on Stig of the Dump


Answer sheet


Having worked with the children in class, I feel an extra day to get the information text on floods done right, we need another day. This would help us get the sub headings and a conclusion in. I therefore have posted another video that should prove useful in this task.



Can you improve your adjectives? See attached PowerPoint and sheet for task.

Year 4 Lesson – Adjectives

vocab grid



Ask children what an ancient civilisation is – research if needed. Give children the following terms  and ask them to discuss which of these they think would have been found in an ancient civilisation and which would not.

  • Hospital
  • Houses
  • Roads
  • Cinemas
  • Cars
  • Farms
  • Toilets

Discuss reasons for choices and ask about any additional items which may have been found there. Make notes of key elements throughout the activity. Taking each section in turn, review the information and agree what information will be written on the grid. Children carry out research using a variety of appropriate sources and websites then make a list of the main features of Ancient Egyptian Civilisation. Some websites that may help are:


Art link with Mrs Coulston.

Eye of Horus Year 4


Music recorded lesson with Mrs Maddocks via Charanga- following on from live Zoom last week. Samba theme- percussion and then recorder.


Live dance Zoom at 9.30! This again will have log in details on Seesaw- Egyptian dance routines with Alice and Mrs Burns.


Create your own alien puppet- facts on back in French please! (Optional- choose this or science investigation)

alien family  

how to make a puppet instructions

puppet template


Investigation on dissolving and evaporation (optional- choose this or French)

investigating dissolving

Separating by evaporation



Key Questions 

How do we know Jesus had power and authority? Where did Jesus’ power and authority come from? What do Christians believe about Jesus and God because of these events? How do all these stories/events contribute to what we/Christians believe about Jesus and how we behave today?

We know people in authority are to be respected. However, there are times when is it right to challenge authority as Jesus did. Think about the impact of Jesus’ teaching on people’s lives and events in history. Choose a person to research from the list below. These people challenged authority with valid and very important reasons.

Events such as:

the struggle against Apartheid in South Africa where people led by Nelson Mandela challenged authority. William Wilberforce, John Newton, Olaudah Equinano and Elizabeth Heyrick campaigning for the abolition of slavery. Dr Martin Luther King speaking out against racism in the United States of America during the 1950s and 1960s. Rosa Parks sitting on a bus seat of her own choice as a protest against racial discrimination. Dietrich Bonhoeffer speaking out against Hitler’s Nazi dictatorship during WWII. Oscar Romero, Archbishop of El Salvador, being assassinated for his faith.

Research one of the above and list 10 interesting facts about what they did and what they achieved. Then note down what you think we can learn from the lives and behaviour of these people.






Extra tasks are always available under Purple Mash- set under ‘2dos’.




Attached is a link to Blackburn Diocesan Daily Worship. The diocese have created ‘Daily worship during lockdown’. Using the themes from the Worship Together Across the Diocese videos, they produced a weekly sheet which can be used by children at home by themselves or with parents and it can also be used by teachers either in school or via Zoom or similar. Every day children are given something to watch or look at with a pause for thought or a prayer activity.


PE- keep yourself active!

Latest PE link from PNE Community Education below-


Please follow the link below to access more online videos:


Numerous other ideas can be found here via Primary Stars


PL-Champions-Season1-KS2 (1)