Year 3 home learning, Autumn term 20/21
Spellings, wc 7th December
Please learn these words for our final spelling test of 2020 next Monday, 14th December.
Mrs Patterson – Group 1
funnier / funniest
happier / happiest
luckier / luckiest
spikier / spikiest
tastier / tastiest
Mrs Patterson – Group 2
funnier / funniest
happier / happiest
tastier / tastiest
Miss McCrystal
Home learning, wc 30th November
Please note, there are no spellings to learn at home this week.
For anyone who may be learning from home this week, below are a selection of activities for you to work through. You must upload your work to Seesaw daily so that we can keep in touch and give you feedback.
Please continue to read each day whilst you are at home and record your reading in your reading diary. We would love to know which books you are enjoying from home! The Oxford Owl website has a lovely selection of free ebooks for all reading levels.
English – Our English lessons have a topic focus this week; we will carrying out a local history study of the Lancashire cotton mills and their impact on the area.
Monday – Have a look at the census (p.1) and make a list of all of the facts that you learn from it. It is crammed with information! In particular, have a look at the numbers of people in a house, their relationships to each other, the ages of the children and their given occupations, and their place of birth. RESOURCES Victorian School and Work Documents (PDF)
Tuesday: Fill in the census form for your own family; compare the two and write about what you notice. Monday census activity
Wednesday – Have another look at the census and find Ann Dugan. Can you identify information about her relating to the 5 Ws – Who? What? When? Where? Why? Use this information to write a biography about Ann Dugan. I will add extra information to Seesaw which will enable you to add more detail to your biography.
Thursday – Read the ppt and decide whether you would have liked to live in Lancashire during the Industrial Revolution. Have a look at Document 5 from Monday’s resource doc. Do the children in this picture look happy? Why would/wouldn’t they be happy? What if the child in the centre of the picture was Ann Dugan? Using the information from the ppt, write about a day in her life. What would she see, hear and smell? How would her hands feel? How would she feel?
Friday – Spot the Difference! Have a look at Document 8 on the resource doc: make a list of all of the ways that this classroom is different to our classroom. Then record a list of questions to ask a Preston child from 1902. Extra challenge: Ask a grown-up at home to ask you a few of your questions and challenge yourself to answer from the point of view of one of the children in the photo. You could even upload a video of yourself answering a question!
Maths – Home learning videos for dividing by 3 and 4:
Home learning videos for multiplying and dividing by 8:
Maths activities: Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Don’t forget to practice your times tables regularly using TTRS, The Supermovers and Times Tables Toons on Purple Mash.
Home learning wc 23rd November
For anyone who may be learning from home this week, below are a selection of activities for you to work through. You must upload your work to Seesaw daily so that we can keep in touch and give you feedback.
Please continue to read each day whilst you are at home and record your reading in your reading diary. We would love to know which books you are enjoying from home! The Oxford Owl website has a lovely selection of free ebooks for all reading levels.
English – This week, we will be completing our biographies unit by applying all of the writing skills we have learned.
Monday – Make notes of the things you remember about Mary Seacole from our discussions during Black History Month. Read the factfile. Complete the biography planning sheet about Mary Seacole. Mary Seacole comprehension Mary Seacole planning sheet
Tuesday – Remind yourself about how to use conjunctions. Use your completed planning sheet from yesterday to write a sentence beneath each sub-heading. Use conjunctions to express the movement of time between facts. Conjunctions, adverbs, prepositions – Tuesday
Wednesday – Read through the ppt, which reminds you about how to report direct speech. Remember, direct speech in inverted commas is the only place you would use the 1st person in a biography. If you are working from home today, I will upload a collection of quotes for you to present within correctly-punctuated sentences. Challenge yourself to use a range of personal pronouns to refer to Mary. Direct speech, Wednesday
Thursday – Think about everything you have learned about Sir Tom Finney in class and from your own research. Record as much detail as you can here: Sir Tom Finney planning sheet
Friday – Use your planning sheet from yesterday to write a biography about Sir Tom Finney. Apply all of the skills we have learned, showing consideration of the success criteria for biographical writing.
Year 3 spellings, w/c 23rd November
Please learn these words containing suffixes ready for a spelling test next Monday, 30th November.
Mrs Patterson – Group 1
braver / bravest
closer / closest
finer / finest
louder / loudest
whiter / whitest
Red words – come, any
Mrs Patterson – Group 2
closer / closest
finer / finest
louder / loudest
Red words – many, some
Miss McCrystal
Home learning wc 16th November
For anyone who may be learning from home this week, below are a selection of activities for you to work through. You must upload your work to Seesaw daily so that we can keep in touch and give you feedback.
Please continue to read each day whilst you are at home and record your reading in your reading diary. We would love to know which books you are enjoying from home! The Oxford Owl website has a lovely selection of free ebooks for all reading levels.
English – This week, we will be continuing with our Biographies unit by researching and beginning to write about Sir Tom Finney.
Monday – Complete the spelling test from wc 9th November. Have a look at the new words for this week (below) and check you understand what they mean (please note new spelling groups – I will contact you directly via Seesaw to confirm your child’s group if you are working from home this week).
Tuesday – Read the facts about Sir Tom Finney and have a go at putting them into chronological order. Sir Tom Finney During our ICT session this afternoon, we will be using the internet to research our own information about Sir Tom. Spend time conducting your own research at home to support your writing activities this week.
Wednesday – Reread your research and chronologically-ordered facts from yesterday and decide which information relates to Sir Tom’s early life. Have a go at writing your own complete sentences about Sir Tom’s early life – remember to write in the third person, past tense and chronological order.
Thursday – Remind yourself about how to use subordinate clauses and conjunctions to add more detail to your writing: Subordinate clauses and conjunctions Using your research, have a go at writing your own complete sentences containing subordinate clauses and conjunctions to detail Sir Tom’s playing career.
Friday – Read the information about writing an introduction: Writing a Biography. Complete the task on page 2 of the document.
Maths – Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Don’t forget to practice your times tables regularly using TTRS, The Supermovers and Times Tables Toons on Purple Mash.
Year 3 spellings, w/c 16th November
Please learn these words ready for a spelling test next Monday, 23rd November.
Mrs Patterson – Group 1
Mrs Patterson – Group 2
Miss McCrystal
Home learning, wc 9th November
For anyone who may be learning from home this week, below are a selection of activities for you to work through. You must upload your work to Seesaw daily so that we can keep in touch and give you feedback.
Please continue to read each day whilst you are at home and record your reading in your reading diary. We would love to know which books you are enjoying from home! The Oxford Owl website has a lovely selection of free ebooks for all reading levels.
English – This week we are beginning our Biographies unit! We are working towards writing our own biography for Sir Tom Finney. This week, we will be introduced to what a biography is and the key features of a biography. We will also begin to use and apply our own research skills to find out more about someone.
Monday – Complete the spelling test from wc 2nd November. Have a look at the new words for this week (below) and check you understand what they mean. Complete the activity on if you haven’t already.
Tuesday – Read about biographies (Biography Tuesday) and then interview someone at home to find out more about them – Biography interview, Tuesday.
Wednesday – Remind yourself of the key features of a biography from yesterday’s lesson. You could read the examples below or have a look at Mrs Patterson’s biography on Seesaw. Have a go at writing a mini-biography about the person you interviewed yesterday.
Thursday – Choose J. K. Rowling or Marcus Rashford: if one of these knocked on your door today, what would you want to ask them? Write a list of questions for your chosen person (remember to punctuate your questions appropriately!) Use the biography of your chosen person to find the answers to the interview questions. J.K. Rowling Fact File Marcus Rashford1 Marcus Rashford2 Biography interview, Thursday
Friday – Remind yourself of the key features of a biography (I will upload support material from class onto Seesaw) and the information you discovered about J. K. Rowling or Marcus Rashford yesterday. Have a go at writing a short biography about your chosen person containing information from your research, key features of a biography and our Y3 writing expectations.
Maths – This week in Maths, we are carrying out a Times Tables Carousel of activities linked to the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables. Choose one or more of the following activities each day to have a go at.
3x table multiplication wheel Multiples of 2, 5 and 10 word problem cards Multiplication and division word problems Multiplication dice game Say_It_Make_It_Write_It_Mats See it Make it Write it – see it cards TTRS
Year 3 spellings, w/c 9th November
Please learn your homophones in the correct context for a spelling test next Monday, 16th November.
Mrs Patterson’s group
two / to / too
sea / see
here / hear
won / one
blue / blew
Miss McCrystal’s group
two / to
sea / see
here / hear
Home learning, wc 2nd November
Welcome back! We hope you enjoyed a fun and relaxing half-term break!
For anyone who may be learning from home this week, below are a selection of activities for you to work through. You must upload your work to Seesaw daily so that we can keep in touch and give you feedback.
Please continue to read each day whilst you are at home and record your reading in your reading diary. We would love to know which books you are enjoying from home! The Oxford Owl website has a lovely selection of free ebooks for all reading levels.
English – This week in English, we are focusing on our basic writing skills. Our activities will be linked to Bonfire Night! Please also make time to carry out the spelling test from w/c 19th October (new spellings below).
Tuesday – Comprehension task: Read about the history of Bonfire Night, and then answer the questions IN COMPLETE SENTENCES. Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot comprehension
Wednesday – Read about conjunctions and then complete the activity sheet. Please remember to include punctuation and your neatest JOINED handwriting. Conjunction junction (information) Conjunctions-Wednesday (activity)
Thursday – Watch this clip. Imagine that YOU are that firework! How would you feel as you sit in your cradle? What would you see/hear around you? What happens as the match is struck and the flame creeps closer? And now consider your ascent into the sky – how are you travelling? What would the world look like from all the way up there? Use the support document to create a piece of writing called, The Dance of the Firework – write as though YOU are the firework! Remember to write in complete sentences, include punctuation and conjunctions. Thursday support
Friday – Watch this clip, which introduces you to paragraphs. On Seesaw, there is a map of a family bonfire display. Look at the different areas of the map and think about what would be in each area. Have a go at writing a paragraph to describe each area of the map.
White Rose Maths learning videos – To follow.
Maths activities – Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Don’t forget to practice your times tables regularly using Times Tables Rock Stars!
Year 3 spellings, w/c 2nd November
Please learn your word list for a spelling test next Monday, 9th November.
Mrs Patterson’s group
Miss McCrystal’s group
Homework, wc 19th October
English – Over the half-term holiday, please complete the set activity on (logins on the inside cover of children’s reading diaries).
Maths – In class, we have done a lot of work on column addition and we will be building upon this for our homework during half-term. Attached you will find Column Addition support material to break down column addition. We always start with the column of the smallest value (in Year 3, this is the ones/units column) and we work from right to left.
Here is the homework activity: Homework – maths. You will see that it is split into additions that involve no carrying and those that involve carrying. I would like the children to have a go at both if they are able, and at least 10 – so this may be 5 from each box; 8 from one box and 2 from another; and so on. Some children may choose to complete all 20!
I would like to see the children’s working out, so please upload a photograph of this to Seesaw.
All homework is due by Tuesday 3rd November. Any extra practice on Times Tables Rock Stars over the holiday will also be of great benefit to the children.
Home learning, wc 19th October
For anyone who may be learning from home this week, below are a selection of activities for you to work through. Please upload your work to Seesaw daily so that we can keep in touch and give you feedback.
Please continue to read each day whilst you are at home and record your reading in your reading diary. We would love to know which books you are enjoying from home! The Oxford Owl website has a lovely selection of free ebooks for all reading levels.
English: This week we will be reading The Lancashire Giant and basing our Folk Tale unit on this story.
Monday – Complete the spelling test from w/c 12th October, then have a look through the new list below to check you understand all of the words.
Tuesday – Read The Lancashire Giant or watch the Espresso version (I will upload the Espresso login to Seesaw). As you read/listen, identify story language, the setting description, character description (first for Johnny, then for Giant Johnny) and repeated language. After you have read/listened to the story, answer these questions.
Wednesday – Write your own version of the beginning of The Lancashire Giant (up to p.1, ‘But Johnny was unhappy’). Support resources will be on Seesaw.
Thursday – Write your own version of the middle of The Lancashire Giant (up to p.3, ‘He could see for miles’). Support resources will be on Seesaw.
Friday – Write your own version of the end of The Lancashire Giant. Today, I would like you to change the way in which the problem is solved – how else could Giant Johnny overcome the King’s Champion?
Maths – White Rose Maths teaching videos –
Maths activities – Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Don’t forget to practice your times tables regularly using Times Tables Rock Stars, and you can complete the weekly Mathletics activities which are set as part of the homework.
Year 3 spellings, w/c 19th October
Please learn your word list for a spelling test after half term, Monday 2nd November.
Mrs Patterson’s group
Miss McCrystal’s group
Home learning, wc 12th October
For anyone who may be learning from home this week, below are a selection of activities for you to work through. Please upload your work to Seesaw daily so that we can keep in touch and give you feedback.
Please continue to read each day whilst you are at home and record your reading in your reading diary. We would love to know which books you are enjoying from home! The Oxford Owl website has a lovely selection of free ebooks for all reading levels.
English – We are building upon our introduction to Folk Tales from last week. For your homework, you should have watched or listened to at least one folk tale.
Monday – Complete the spelling test from w/c 5th October, then have a look through the new list below to check you understand all of the words.
Tuesday – Complete the attached activity for a folk tale of your choice. Challenge yourself by completing the activity for two or three folk tales – what are the similarities you notice amongst the stories? Tuesday – Folk tale recount activity sheet
Wednesday – Create a story map for the folk tale you know best. If you are working at home today, I will upload an example story map to Seesaw to help you.
Thursday – Use adjectives within noun phrases to create a setting description for the image on Seesaw. Use your senses – if you were here, what would you smell, hear, see, taste; how would the ground feel beneath your feet; how would being in the setting make you feel inside? Try to represent this through your writing.
Friday – Use adjectives within noun phrases to create a character description for the character on Seesaw. Use your senses – what does he smell like? What does he sound like? What does he look like? What would he feel like to touch? How would you feel standing in front of him? Try to represent this through your writing.
Maths – White Rose Maths teaching videos:
Maths activities – Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Don’t forget to practice your times tables regularly using Times Tables Rock Stars, and you can complete the weekly Mathletics activities which are set as part of the homework.
Year 3 spellings, w/c 12th October
Please practise these 10 words ready for a spelling test next Monday, 19th October.
Mrs Patterson’s group
Miss McCrystal’s group
Home learning, wc 5th October
For anyone who may be learning from home this week, below are a selection of activities for you to work through. Please upload your work to Seesaw daily so that we can keep in touch and give you feedback.
Please continue to read each day whilst you are at home and record your reading in your reading diary. We would love to know which books you are enjoying from home! The Oxford Owl website has a lovely selection of free ebooks for all reading levels.
English – We are moving onto a new unit on Folk Tales. Folk tales are stories that have been verbally retold over many years and passed down through families – this is why different people know different versions of the same stories. Examples of folk tales are Snow White, Rumpelstiltskin, Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Little Pigs – they are often referred to as fairytales, and they often have a moral (something we can learn from the story).
Monday – Complete the spelling test from w/c 28th September, then have a look through the new list below to check you understand all of the words.
Tuesday – Show me what you can already do by rewriting a folk tale of your choice. Try to include as much of the story as you know, including any spoken language that is used by the characters.
Wednesday – Choose 3 or 4 different folk tales. For each story, record everything you know about that story – you can present this in any way you choose (e.g. a list, drawings).
Thursday – Think about 2 different folk tales – you could choose two from Activity 2 – and fill in Thursday week 1 to compare them. What is the same? What is different?
Friday – Read through this PowerPoint Punctuating direct speech to learn about how to punctuate spoken language in your writing. Have a go at writing out a conversation between the good and bad characters in your story. ‘Purple polish’ to check that you have punctuated your work correctly.
Maths – White Rose Maths teaching link –
Maths activities – Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Don’t forget to practice your times tables regularly using Times Tables Rock Stars, and you can complete the weekly Mathletics activities which are set as part of the homework.
Year 3 spellings, w/c 5th October
Please practice your spellings in preparation for the spelling test on 12th October.
Mrs Patterson’s group
Miss McCrystal’s group
Year 3 spellings, w/c 28th September
Please practice your spellings in preparation for the spelling test on 5th October.
Mrs Patterson’s group
Mrs Hemmings’ group
Homework, 23rd September
Throughout the year, we will be working hard to add value to our written work by thinking about our word choices. If your writing contains interesting details, it will paint a beautiful picture in the mind of your reader!
Have a look at the activity here: wc 21st September. You can either hand-write the sentences and upload a photograph of your work to Seesaw, or you can use the typing skills we have been practicing in ICT by typing out the sentences on Seesaw in response to the activity.
Year 3 spellings, w/c 21st September
Please practice your spellings in preparation for the spelling test on 28th September.
Mrs Patterson’s group
Mrs Hemmings’ group
Year 3 spellings, w/c 14th September
Please practice your spellings in preparation for the spelling test on 21st September.
Mrs Patterson’s group
Mrs Hemmings’ group
Welcome to Year 3!
Hello to all of our families, and welcome to Year 3! We have really enjoyed our first week with the children, and it has been lovely to see how happy and confident they are upon their return to school.
Please have a look at this page and our Class Gallery regularly to find out what we have been up to in class.
Here is our curriculum overview, which provides a brief outline of our learning throughout the year: Year 3. This letter provides further detail about our learning during the autumn term: Curriculum letter, Autumn 2020.
Please note, our PE days are Thursday and Friday. Children should come into school in their PE kit on these days.
We look forward to working with you this year.
Mrs Patterson & Mrs Sergeant