Reception Spring 2

Hello Reception!  Why your child's digital footprints in school matter

This Term our school theme is “Footprints”. We are going to be thinking about our community and what we have in our local area, as well as learning about different places, animals and habitats in different parts of the world! We have already thought a lot about Polar Lands and Arctic animals. as well as focusing on our own footprints and places we visit in our community! During Spring 2 we will now think about people who help us in our lives and keep us safe, as well as thinking about new beginnings in Spring and celebrating Easter soon. We will also think about the “footprints” and changes in animals at this time of year too! 🙂

Please find below all of our learning for our Spring 2 half term! Everything from last half term is linked down below at the bottom of this page under “Reception Spring 1” should you need to return to any of that.

Keep smiling!

Miss Lemmings 🙂 x

Spring 2 learning!

This half term we will be looking at:

Maths – length, height, patterns, shape and space, number composition

Phonics – phase 3 sounds, correct letter formation, sentence composition

Literacy – phase 3 reading and writing, non-fiction books, World Book Day, sentence building, comprehension

Theme – People Who Help Us, Easter, Spring, Plants & planting

R.E – The Easter Story

Thank you to all parents and children for your support and hard work both in and out of school, I love seeing everything on Seasaw! Remember to upload everything to Seasaw and organise it into a subject folder if possible, when prompted. Thank you! 🙂

Our school “Rainbow Reading Challenge!” Rainbow reading challenge School

Reading resources for you to use at home! 🙂 Reading

Find below all of our home learning and newsletters for this half term…

Home learning:

We are all learning a poem each (by 5th March) from the Reception section of the poetry festival here!: Poetry Festival 2021  We will all be performing them on the 5th March, and there will be 2 winners!

Reception Home Learning W/B 22.02.21

Reception Home Learning W/B 01/03/21


Reception Newsletter wb 22.02.21

Reception Newsletter wb 01.03.21