Reception Home Learning W/B 01/03/21

Hello Reception Children and Families!

This is our last week of online learning! I can’t wait for us all to be back together again in school from next week (8th March). Well done everyone for adapting so well to the home learning for this long! You have all done such a super job and I can’t thank you enough for your continued support. One last push now! 

As usual, PhonicsMaths and Topic are uploaded here on the website for the week.  In addition to this, for our wider curriculum subjects (R.E.P.E. and Art) there will be an activity uploaded each day to Seasaw so keep your eyes out on there for those, and also for my videos doing our daily calendar and story time! ? 

This week we are carrying on with our topic of “People Who Help Us” – this week focusing on postal workers and the story of “The Jolly Postman”, and also looking at dentists and builders within our classroom activities! 🙂 In Maths, we will be looking at representing the numbers 9 & 10, and their number composition, as well as numeral recognition. And we will carry on with our phonics sounds as always!

PLUS – it is World Book Day on Thursday this week! On Thursday we will be dressing up as one of our favourite story book characters with a costume or props (or both!), and we will spend Thursday off-timetable doing lots of fun World Book Day related activities. Our theme for the day and with our activities is going to be The Gingerbread Man (there isn’t a theme for dressing up – you can dress as anything you want! 🙂 I’m going to be a ladybird!). You will find out more down below and on the day.. 🙂 We will also be doing an extra Zoom call on this day at 1:30pm to so we can all see each other’s outfits and to share a story together. 

We are also performing our poems this week for our poetry festival! And the two winners will perform their poems on our celebration Zoom call on Friday! 🙂

I hope you all have a wonderful last week at home, and again, I can’t wait for us all to be back together again next week. Upload anything you do this week onto Seasaw as always! Thank you.

Miss Lemmings x

P.S. – Mrs. Coupe is going off on Maternity Leave starting next week the 8th March, so I’m sure you will join me in sending her lots of lovely well-wishes for her new arrival, and to say how thankful we are for all of her hard work creating fantastic phonics videos for all of the home learners! Thank you Mrs. Coupe 🙂 



Let’s continue with phase 3! Watch the video to learn all about the ‘x’ sound…


y outline 2.3.21


Phonics Wizards ‘z’ –

Phonics Wizards ‘zz’ –



Recap all of your phase 2 and 3 sounds using your sound mats and enjoy a relaxed Friday before you all return to school on Monday!



As usual, we will carry on with the fantastic videos from White Rose Maths. Click on the link here, watch the video for that day, and complete the activity for that day ?




Thursday: Off time-table – World Book Day Activities!! 🙂 (see topic area and Seasaw too) 




Monday: We will be thinking a bit more about postal workers who help us, and then reading the story of “The Jolly Postman”, looking at the lovely letters in the story and the envelopes! Today we will be thinking about who we might write a letter to, and start by writing an address on an envelope! (Tomorrow we will write a letter to go inside!) Loom:

Tuesday: We will be reading the short story of “Postman Bear”, thinking again about who we might write letters to and why. We will also have a look again at some of the letters from “The Jolly Postman”! Today we will be writing a short letter to go in our envelope we made from yesterday! Our letters will be to someone at school about how we feel about coming back to school next week! And the children at school will write letters to those at home 🙂 Loom:

Wednesday: Live Zoom Class 1:30pmPoetry Festival – For our live class this week we will be focusing on the Poetry Festival. We will be reading “Oi Frog” together and thinking about the rhyming words which we often find in poems. We will also read some other short poems! Finally, we will practise reading our Poetry Week poems before we perform them tomorrow. Other poems to inspire us!: What Is Pink by Christina Rossetti – Poem Print-Out The Star by Jane Taylor – Poem Print-Out The Cow by Robert Louis Stevenson – Poem Print-Out Insects all around Friends by Abbie Farwell Brown – Poem Print-Out At the Zoo by William Makepeace Thackeray – Poem Print-Out An Alphabet by Edward Lear – Poem Print-Out

Thursday: It’s World Book Day! We have lots of fun activities to do today! Our theme for a lot of our activities will be “The Gingerbread Man” story,  including making some gingerbread! Watch my loom video showing different activities for throughout the day – you can choose to do as many as you like 🙂 We will also be having an extra live Zoom at 1:30pm to show each other our outfits and to share a story together. Loom: Activities mentioned in the loom: Gingerbread Run Run!  Gingerbread People  Gingerbread Recipe  Book Day Design a Gingerbread Man   Book Day Bookmark  Book Day Costume Template  Book Day Character Mask  World Book Day website:

Friday: Because it’s our last day of home learning, Mr. Booth has kindly sent us some fun-Friday-final-day activities to do today! It will be a slightly more relaxed day, to celebrate all of the hard work you have done since January with all of the home learning. Here is the list of activities you can do at home today! 🙂 Final Day Activities!  There is no expectation to upload anything to Seasaw today for this. Have a lovely weekend, and I can’t WAIT to see you all on Monday! 🙂 thank you again for all of your hard work. 


Wider Curriculum – See Seasaw:

Monday: P.N.E. challenge.

Tuesday: P.E. – Elmer (new P.E. topic)

Wednesday: Art with Mrs. Coulston

Thursday: R.E. – The Easter Story (Palm Sunday)

Friday: P.E. – Elmer


Continuous Provision ideas for extra activity inspiration!

We will be recognising numerals to order the numbers from 1-10, and 1-20. 

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We will be writing letters, envelopes, and using stamps – taking inspiration from “The Jolly Postman”.

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We will be matching the pictures together to create People Who Help Us.

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After thinking about going to the dentist and Dentists as people who help us, we will think about what foods are healthy and unhealthy for our teeth. We will then be drawing patterns on the teeth to show marks from eating unhealthy foods, and we will clean the marks off with a toothbrush. 

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We will be thinking about builders, building sites and diggers. We will use cornflakes and sand to represent the gravel and sand that builders use on building sites.

We will practise our phonics sounds and tricky words by fishing with nets for the sounds and tricky words that are on the ping pong balls in the water!