Reception Home Learning W/B 22/02/21
Hello Everybody!
I hope you have all had a wonderful, restful half term break 🙂
I can’t wait to see what this half term has in store for us! Hopefully we will all be back at school together by the end of this half term – fingers crossed!
For the next couple of weeks, our topic will be “People Who Help Us”, one of my favourite topics! We will be looking at different people who work hard to keep us safe – doctors, firefighters, dentists, postmen/women, lollipop men/women, ambulance, police, dentists, and more. We will think about their jobs, what they do, what equipment they need, what uniforms they wear, and how they all help us.
We will be looking at measurement in Maths, comparing height and length.
We will be learning new Phase 3 sounds in Phonics!
As usual, Phonics, Maths and Topic are uploaded here on the website for the week. In addition to this, for our wider curriculum subjects (R.E., P.E. and Art) there will be an activity uploaded each day to Seasaw so keep your eyes out on there for those, and also for my videos doing our daily calendar and story time!
A quick reminder that we still have our Zoom calls too – Mondays 9:15am KS1 Worship, Wednesday 1:30pm Live Class, Friday 10:45am Celebration Assembly. Link reminders to the Zooms are posted on Seasaw on the morning of the call!
Have a wonderful week everyone. I can’t wait to see all of your work this week that you upload on Seasaw! 🙂
Miss Lemmings x
Phonics with Mrs. Coupe
We will start the week with a recap and a chance to practise some blending with Letters and Sounds…
The ‘l’ and ‘ll’ sounds –
The ‘ss’ sound –
Tricky word practice –
As extra help with the formation for ‘j’ (which can be tricky as we get mixed up with ‘i’!) watch the clip below –
Use the Letters and Sounds video to look at the ‘v’.
The Phonics Wizards are here to help you read words with ‘v’ in!
As usual, we will carry on with the fantastic videos from White Rose Maths. Click on the link here, watch the video for that day, and complete the activity for that day
Monday: Watch Session 1. Complete the activity here:
Tuesday: Watch Session 2. Complete the activity here:
Wednesday: Watch Session 3. Complete the activity here:
Thursday: Watch Session 4. Complete the activity here:
Friday: Watch Session 5. Complete the activity here:
Monday: We will be looking at our new topic “People Who Help Us”. We will look at some of these special people, the jobs that they do, and the uniforms they wear. We will then draw and paint a special helper, and write a short sentence about what they do to help! Loom:
Tuesday: We think again about the people who help us. Today we will look at what different equipment they all need! We will then choose a special helper, and write a list of the equipment they need. Loom:
Wednesday: (Live Zoom 1:30pm) There has been a crime in our classroom! Let’s think about what Policemen and Policewomen need to do to solve a crime! What will they be looking for? We will draw a crime scene including fingerprints, and write a sentence asking for help! For example, “go and get help”, “she/he needs help”, “look for fingerprints!”, “ring 999!” listing what to do. This will be modelled and explained on our live zoom 🙂 Crime scene evidence sheet!: A4 Presentation Police Page Border Fingerprint activity: Fantastic-Fingerprints-Activity-Sheet
Thursday: We will be making our own I.D. badges as if we were in the Police as a Detective, and writing incident forms for a crime! You might want to do an incident form for our visitor yesterday instead of making your own up..! Badge Templates: Police Badge Template Police Badges Hospital-ID-Badges Incident Form Template: Police-Incident-Form Loom:
Friday: We will be making Thank You cards for the NHS and Key Workers, to thank them for all of their hard during the Coronavirus Pandemic. Loom:
Wider Curriculum – See Seasaw:
Monday: P.N.E. challenge.
Tuesday: P.E. – Elmer (new P.E. topic)
Wednesday: Art – Mrs. Coulston is starting to make Mother’s Day Cards
Thursday: R.E. – The Easter Story
Friday: P.E. – Elmer
Continuous Provision ideas for extra activity inspiration!
Our Role Play Area is a Police Station!
Our house is on fire in the Construction Area! We will be using the fire engines and hats to help.
We will be making I.D. badges..
We will use our fine motor skills to retrieve the People Who Help Us and some clues!
We will also use our fine motor skills to make split-pin people!
We will use powder chalk paint and flour in the small trays to experiment with making finger prints on the tuff tray!
We will create playdough snakes and use different equipment to measure them, and compare longer and shorter lengths.