PSHE and HR Education

PSHE HRE Overview 2024-25
PSHE Policy 2024-25
HRE Policy 2024-25
PSHE Progression (under construction)

Our goal for PSHE and HR Education is that children gain the knowledge, understanding, attitudes, values and skills they need in order to reach their full potential as individuals within a global and diverse community.

A focus is placed on the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships, with particular reference to friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other peers and adults. We aim to do this through the ‘BIG ideas’:

Relationships: I can build positive relationships with other children and adults.

Health: I can understand how to look after myself, both mentally and physically.

Respect: I can learn how to respect myself and others.

‘Never apologise for being sensitive and emotional. Let this be a sign that you’ve got a big heart and aren’t afraid to let others see it. Showing your emotions is a sign of strength’ – Brigitte Nicole

Miss Cross is our PSHE and HR lead. Please contact her via the school office (01772 653600) with any queries or questions.

Our PSHE programme supports the development of the skills, attitudes, values and patterns of behaviour which enable pupils to:

  • Have a sense of purpose

  • Value self and respect others

  • Form positive relationships

  • Make and act on informed decisions

  • Communicate effectively

  • Work with others

  • Respond to challenge with resilience

  • Be active citizens within the local community

  • Explore issues and British Values related to living in a democratic society

  • Become healthy and fulfilled individuals

  • Have a better understanding of and celebrate diversity in the UK.

The PSHE Curriculum
PSHE is part of our whole school ethos.  It is understood that pupils must feel safe and secure before sensitive issues and opinions can be considered and shared.

Grimsargh St Michael’s Primary has adopted the Coram Life Education and the units of work are allocated to terms and year groups as appropriate to ensure progression and coverage. 

Each year group chooses either a 1-hour session fortnightly or a 30-minute session weekly (depending on the needs and suitability or the class) to teach discreet lessons covering appropriate topics and themes.

Opportunities also exist across the wider curriculum to promote pupils’ personal, social and emotional development. The school follows the national curriculum statutory guidance for the teaching of Heath, Sex and Relationships Education (See HRE policy).

Coram SCARF  
We use the Coram SCARF resources to support our teaching of PSHE across EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. Coram Life Education & SCARF are the UK’s leading charity provider of PSHE and wellbeing education in primary schools. It is an up-to-date, whole school, fully comprehensive programme that fulfils all DfE statutory requirements for Relationships and Health Education. 

SCARF’s whole-school approach supports primary schools in promoting positive behaviour, mental health, wellbeing, resilience and achievement. For more information:

Family SCARF

Find out how the SCARF values of Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship can help your child to be their best – both at school and at home.

Choose from the menu of family activities or support and find out how to build positive relationships and help your child be a confident learner.

PSHE is also taught through Collective Worship themes.

The weekly reward assembly is when a range of achievements including those outside of school are recognised and celebrated.

The School Council and the Eco Council form an important part of developing understanding in PSHE in terms of demonstrating the democratic process and of helping develop a sense of responsibility in and for the school community.

The councillor’s job of reporting pupils’ views to the Headteacher promotes the understanding that the individual pupil’s opinions will be heard and do matter.

PSHE and British Values 

By tailoring and teaching the SCARF curriculum we support this valuable area of children’s learning, enabling them to make appropriate choices as they navigate the rich, varied, often complex and ever-evolving life in modern Britain – and the world. The British values run throughout our PSHE/HRE curriculum and most of them feature within each unit. Teachers make a concious effort to highlight the British Values in their PSHE lessons and link them carefully to the learning objectives.


Health and Relationships Education

Information Letter to Parents: HRE letter to parents

Health and Relationships Vocabulary: HRE vocabulary

Frequently Asked Questions: FAQ about Relationships and Health Education

Department for Education Guidance for Parents: RSE_primary_schools_guide_for_parents

At Grimsargh St Michael’s CE Primary School, Relationships Education teaches children the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships, with particular reference to friendships, family relationships, and relationships with other peers and adults.

‘Jesus said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’

This is the first and great commandment.

And the second is like it. ‘You shall love your neighbour as yourself.’ On these commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”
Matthew 22 v 37-40

We believe it is important to address health and relationships education as it lays the foundations for supporting children and young people through their physical, mental and moral development.

We are committed to helping keep our children safe and equipped with the correct information. Some things they learn from other sources may be incorrect, frightening and confusing. We believe this includes supporting our children to confidently and safely filter information and images on social media and to recognise online safety dangers, particularly in online relationships.

The aims of health and relationships education at Grimsargh St Michael’s CE Primary School are:

  • To ensure Health and Relationships Education is part of a child’s broad, balanced curriculum, integral to the basic curriculum of the school and part of the child’s all-round development.

  • To enable pupils to understand the qualities of healthy relationships based on Christian principles, including the principles of respect and kindness.

  • To prepare children for healthy relationships in an online world.

  • To understand how to stay safe, know the importance of boundaries and how to report abuse or feelings of being unsafe.

  • To help pupils develop a positive and secure personal identity, a sense of their own value and feelings of confidence and empathy.

  • To create a positive culture around issues of sexuality and relationship.

  • To ensure that all understand the importance of respecting others and accepting those who differ, yet challenging those behaviours and attitudes, which exploit others and do not reflect Christian values.

  • To prepare and enable children to cope with changes to their bodies, instincts and feelings as they enter puberty.

  • To provide information that is clear and appropriate to their age and maturity, and to offer acceptable and accurate vocabulary to describe their bodies.

  • To know how to ‘love your neighbour’ even when we might disagree.

We encourage pupils to take part in a wide range of activities and experiences and understand how they are developing personally, emotionally and socially, tackling many of the spiritual, moral, cultural issues that are part of growing up, all while developing their understanding of diversity.

If you would like to ask any further questions, please complete the form below:


Statutory requirements
Our school complies with the requirements of the Equality Act and the Public Sector Equality Duty in addition to complying with the statutory guidance on Relationships Education, Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education.