Y4 W/C 22/2/21

Home Learning W/C 22/2/21














What is area




Comparing area




Monday- River Nile Comprehension sheet (see below) Choice of 3 comprehensions of different levels of difficulty.


rivers comprehension

Tuesday – Punctuation sheet activity- please try not to cheat as answers there! 



Wednesday – Punctuate direct speech- further practice following our writing on the last week before half term.


Thursday and Friday- Plan and write an information text on the River Nile- see sheet below for extra information (Loom videos will be posted during week)

The River Nile big write

Nile sub heading ideas and info



Monday-   History– research task on River Nile to prepare you for our big write task on Thursday/Friday.

Try to research and identify clues about the terrain and climate, using words such as dry, hot, dusty, fertile. Also note location of greenery immediately next to the river. How might the terrain and climate affect the people, animals and plants that live there?  How might it have affected them in the past? The clip ‘How does the River Nile help people survive in Egypt’ from the BBC Bitesize website (here) will help. 

Looking at a map, or using Google Earth (here), examine the river, identifying the source, delta, and the names of large settlements in Egypt. Identify the position of Egypt relative to other countries with which they are familiar, such as the British Isles. 

Question: Why was the River Nile so important to the Egyptians?

Use research and discussion to understand The Ancient Egyptians farmed along the banks of the Nile because it was useful for transportation, the soil was good for growing crops and they had ready access to water from the river. During this time they invented the shaduf and the nilometer. Look children pictures of a nilometer on the Bible Places website (here), and a shaduf . Information on the shaduf can be found on the Primary Homework website (here). Independently children write a response to the above question . Our writing later this week will be an information text concentrating on three different subheadings relating to the Nile- climate and terrain, history and geography. See my loom below- today’s task is to gather historical information and information on the climate/terrain answering the above question. See my loom for further information.


Tuesday–  Computing Research the history of the web. Discuss some ways we use the web for communication and collaboration. What is the different between the web and the internet?

Show children a URL (uniform resource locator) e.g https://www.bbc.co.uk/ Ask the children to work out the meaning of the URL. Repeat for a few other URLs.

Explain what HTTP means and what it is for. Explain that a web page can include a hyperlink to any other page on the web, using a URL. Ask the pupils to pick two words or ideas (e.g football and cheese), and see how few hops it takes to get from a page with the first word or idea to a page with the other, just by following links.


Art with Mrs Coulston

Water artwork Year 4

Wednesday–  Class spellings at 9.30- link to be put on Seesaw

 Music  recorded lesson via Charanga

Thursday- PSHE- Medicines

  • What do we mean by a healthy lifestyle?
  • What choices can people make to live a healthy lifestyle?
  • How does exercise keep us healthy?
  • What different types of food keep us healthy?
  • If someone lives a healthy lifestyle does that mean that they are healthy all the time?
  • What do we mean by illness? Does everyone get ill?
  • What things can we do to prevent illness (e.g. from germs) spreading?
  • If someone is ill what could do they do to feel better? Does someone always need to take a medicine to feel better?
  • Is a medicine always helpful to the body? In what ways can it be harmful?
  • Who normally takes responsibility for a child’s medicine? 
  • What sort of information is there on a medicine label? Why is that information there?

Look at the Medicines: check the label Activity sheet. Explain on the sheet why each piece of information is important for the person who is going to use it. 

Medicines_ check the label – Activity sheet (1)


Animal activity- watch video first.

carnival of animals activity


RE- New unit about trust and betrayal linked to Easter .

Begin a discussion about trust by playing trust games e.g. leading a blindfolded partner around an obstacle course; putting your hand in a feely bag; falling backwards into the arms of someone who is ready to catch you!   Use these experiences to reflect on what trust is and what it is not. What does it mean to trust someone? Whom do you trust?  Why? Can trust between two people be one way?  

Link trust and responsibility; discuss trusting someone to carry out a task, with a secret or with taking care of someone. What qualities make a person trustworthy? Is it possible to trust someone you do not know? Why?

TASK- Write a job description of a trustworthy person. Discuss the relationship between trust and loyalty. Is trust important? When? Why?How did Jesus’ disciples show their trust in him? Link description to this if you can. What did they base their trust on? Recall briefly stories such as the calming of the storm, (Mark 4:35-41), Jesus walking on water (Matthew 14:22-33) and Feeding of the 5000 (Matthew 14:15-21), Jesus never let them down and showed them through his actions that he was/is trustworthy.