Reception Summer 2

Hello Reception children and families!

For the Summer term, our school theme is “The Road to Gold!” and this will be reflected in a lot of our learning this term. We will be thinking about growth mindset, trying our best, our future goals, as well as taking part in activities and events that will focus on this theme! We will also have a look at the Olympics that have been rescheduled and are coming up in summer!

Please find below all of our learning for our Summer 2 half term, and last half term in Reception class! How time flies!

Everything from last half term and previously, is linked down below at the bottom of this page under “Previous learning from this year” should you need to return to any of that.

Any questions or concerns, just message me on Seasaw! 


Miss Lemmings x

Summer 2 Learning!

This half term we will be looking at:

Maths – halving and sharing into groups, numbers to 20 and beyond, measurement, odds and evens, counting on and back for addition and subtraction, money, time

Phonics – Phase 3 and 4 sounds, correct letter formation, sentence composition, letter names as well as sounds, (click here for a video of me reading the sounds from Phase 2 and 3 for you to practise at home!

Literacy – Phase 3 and 4 reading and writing, Talk4Writing, story mapping, story sequencing and re-telling, fairytales, sentence building, comprehension

Theme – Traditional Tales! – Jack and the Beanstalk, The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Little Red Riding Hood, Three Billy Goats Gruff

R.E – Special Times

Reading resources for you to use at home! 🙂 Reading