Reception Autumn 2
We’re Going on a Baby Hunt
We were very disappointed not to be able to perform a ‘live’ nativity for you this year. We have created something which we hope you will love and help spread a little bit of Christmas sparkle. Merry Christmas 🙂
We ask that you please don’t share this video to social media.
Newsletters: Reception Newsletter 7th Dec
Newsletters: Reception Newsletter 30th Nov
Newsletters: Reception Newsletter 23rd Nov
Newsletters: Reception Newsletter 16th Nov
Newsletters: Reception Newsletter 6th November
Welcome back. The Reception team hope you have had a lovely and well deserved half term break. As we move into a further lockdown our communication is key! Please keep your eye on Seesaw – especially in the case of isolation – for ideas to help with children’s learning. Any questions please don’t hesitate to email me.
This half term we will be looking at the following:
Maths – one more/one less, number recognition, simple patterns, time, shape, representing numbers
Phonics – consolidation of Phase 2 sounds, segmenting and blending to read words, reading tricky words.
Literacy – letter formation, using some identifiable letters to communicate meaning, writing labels and captions, enjoying a range of books, oral retelling of stories
Theme – Celebrations (Diwali, Bonfire Night, Remembrance Day, Christmas)
RE – I am Special and Christmas