
History Overview

Policy 2024/2025

History Progression

History Concept Map

Historical Fiction EYFS-Y6

History at Grimsargh St Michael’s is about finding out what life was like. This includes local, national and international history. Our goal for history education is that children gain an increasingly mature and informed historical perspective on their world, through the ‘BIG ideas’:

  • Chronology: I am a historian because I understand chronology and when events happened in relation to one another.

  • Curiosity: I am a historian because I am curious about the processes of change and innovation.

  • Enquiry: I am a historian because I can enquire about the past by asking questions and hypothesising theories using evidence.

‘We are not makers of history. We are made by history’. (
Dr Martin Luther King) 

The curriculum has been built around the study of people and how it effects people both locally and nationally and has been designed so that children are revisiting learning, thus enabling them to use this embedded knowledge and vocabulary in a range of contexts.

Our curriculum achieves embedded knowledge through carefully planned and repeated substantive and disciplinary concepts. These concepts thread through our history curriculum, allowing our children to make important links to develop their historical knowledge. We aim to develop historians who are curious and interested in the world around them. 

History will be taught beyond the classroom- children will have opportunities to explore the local area and beyond at every opportunity.

Mrs Coupe is our history lead. Please contact her via the office (01772 653600) with any queries or questions.

Click here to read the National Curriculum: History Programmes of Study.