Year 2 W/B 8.2.21

Welcome to week 6

Our final week of the half term, and what an unusual time it has been. The  effort with your work has been fantastic and I am so proud of everyone’s resilience during these times! 

You may notice there is nothing on the website for Friday! That’s because Friday will be FRIDAY FUN DAY! This means everyone will be given 4 activities to do but you don’t need to upload any of  them to Seesaw. The only thing you have to do, is make sure you have FUN!

Below you will find the activities for the day. 

Friday Fun Day


This week, in spellings, we are looking at adding the suffix -y part 2 🙂

Please watch the video and complete the activities daily.

Speed spell 

Dots and Dashes

word changers



Monday – Make Tally Charts (Activity day)

No worksheet 🙂

Tuesday – Make Tally Charts

Make tally charts

Wednesday – Draw Pictograms 1-1 (activity day)

No worksheet 🙂

Thursday – Draw Pictograms 1-1

Draw pictograms



For this week we are making notes for, and writing, our non-chronological report. This will be very heavily modelled so if you struggle a little bit with writing follow along with the videos for examples of sentences. 😀

Monday –

Today we are making notes on each section of our non-chronological report about ‘Looking after our bodies’ 

Here is the sheet you can use to make notes on each section.

note taking non-chronological report

Tuesday –

Today we are writing the introduction and first section of ‘Looking after our bodies’ 

Please use the sheet below to present your non-chronological report but only if you want to. They all look different and you can present it how you like 🙂 

Non-chronological structure

Wednesday – 

Today we are writing the other 2 middle sections of ‘Looking after our bodies’

Thursday – 

Today we are publishing our Non-chronological reports! You can add any pictures or fun facts to your information text to make it look good for your reader!! 

Wider Curriculum


Monday – RE

Tuesday – Art 

Parish message Year 2

Wednesday – Science

Food Groups – Can you make your own 3D food plate using the  food groups? 

Below you can find more information

Examples: 5 food groups

Thursday – PSHE

Should I tell?

Should I tell Secrets and surprises

Physical Activities 

This week Primary Stars videos will be given out over Seesaw on Monday and Thursday. 

Daily mile – go on a walk. What things can you spot on your walk that use the soft c sound? E.g. Bicycle 

Make your own exercise video in a space in your house. Video it and send it over Seesaw so we can follow along.