Year 2 W/B 1.3.21

Spring 2 

Final Week!!!

Hello there! There is a lot going on this week with Parent’s Evening, World Book Day and our final days of online learning! 

This means that the content of the online learning will be similar to other weeks, although you may see some differences! 

World Book Day – We will be off timetable for the day and have 3 separate activities (You can find these below in the ‘World Book Day’ part of the grid). Please dress up if you like and join us for a Zoom at 9.50am to show your costumes (if you have one) or any books you just love to read! 

Final Friday – I would like to take this chance to say a HUGE thank you to everyone, adults and children, in your support and hard work during our online learning. Because of this hard work, we are asking children to complete some of the activities from the grid below. You may want to upload pictures to Seesaw, but there is no expectation that you have to do this as normal for English and the Wider Curriculum. Enjoy your Final Friday of online learning! 


We are continuing with our Riddle topic in English but this week we are gathering information in order to write our own on returning to school next week!! 

Monday – 

Today we are going to be looking ways be can gather information for our own riddle! Please watch the video below and complete the Fruit Fact File

Here is a book to help with your research Fruit and Vegetables

YouTube Link –

Tuesday – 

Take this time to think about how you are going to perform your poem, and record your video 🙂 You may want to consider the questions below. 

How are you going to perform your poem? Do you have any actions? Are you going to change your voice? What will the expression be like? How will you feel reading the poem? How do you want the listeners to feel?


Today we are using the gathering information skills we learnt on Monday. We pick a fruit – orange, apple, pear, banana – and create your very own fact file! This information will be used next week when we are writing our own Riddles! (please keep this safe and bring it to school with you on Monday!)

Fruit Fact File

Thursday – World Book Day (see activities below) 

Friday – Think Positive Activity Grid – You choose your activity.


This week we are starting a new topic in Maths; Shape!

Monday – Recognising 2-D and 3-D shapes

Recognise 2D and 3D shapes

Tuesday – Count sides of 2-D shapes

Count sides on 2D shapes

Wednesday – Count vertices of 2-D shapes

Count vertices on 2D shapes

Thursday – World Book Day (See activities below)

Friday – Draw 2-D shapes

Draw 2D shapes

Wider Curriculum 

Monday RE –

Tuesday Art – 

Stroyboard Year 2 World Book Day

Wednesday PSHE –  Please watch the Loom video below and complete the activity sheet.

When I feel like erupting – Activity sheet

Thursday – World Book Day (See activities below)

Friday – Think Positive Activity Grid – You choose your activity.

World Book Day 

Join us for a Zoom at 9.50am. We will be doing a Story Quiz! You may want to come dressed up as a character, bring a prop or a book you love to read! 

Activity 1 – Bring reading to life – Live at 10.30am using the link below.

Activity 2 – Design your own Book Cover using the template below. This can be a book you would want to write or you may want to change the front cover of your favourite book! 

Design a Book Cover

Activity 3 – For a fun and creative end to the day, transform a potato into your favourite book character using craft materials, these may be materials you want to buy specially or use things you already have at home! 

Here are some pictures to inspire you. 

Potato Craft

Today is all about having fun while reading so grab a book, find a space and transport yourself to another world!