Year 2 W/C 1.2.21

Story Time Tuesday 2nd February

Welcome to week 5! 

As some of you may know this week is Children’s Mental Health Week. Now more than ever it is so important that children are given avenues to be able to express their emotions, feelings and thoughts. That’s why, for this week, we will be doing two wider curriculum activities based around the theme of ‘Express yourself‘.

Please find below the link to a separate page on our school website to find extra activities – Children’s Mental Health Week

Timetable we will be following in school this week if you would like to do the same at home: Year 2 Timetable Week 5


Please find below your Spelling Zone video.

Our spelling rule for this week is adding the suffix -y.

Speed spell words:

Dots and Dashes:

Dots and Dashes

Word Changers:

Word Changers



Please find below your videos and worksheets for the week. 

Tuesday – Sharing/Grouping Activites

Watch the video and complete question 6 of Friday’s worksheet. Please get practical. Grab some of your own objects at home and follow along with the video 🙂

Wednesday – Divide by 2

Divide by 2

Thursday – Odd and Even Numbers

Odd and Even Numbers

Thursday – Divide by 5

Divide by 5

Friday – Divide by 10

Divide by 10


The extensions below are for anyone wanting to challenge themselves, in addition to the normal work sheets. Please complete the original worksheets first before moving onto extensions. 🙂

Extension – Divide by 2

Extension – Odd and Even Numbers

Extension – Divide by 5

Extension – Dividing by 10

Reasoning and Problem Solving Questions


This week we are looking at the features of a non-fiction texts and how to plan our very own! 

Monday – Finding information from an information text to answer our KWL questions.

Tuesday – Looking at the features of, and labelling. a non-fiction.

You should label, Heading, Sub-headings, Labels, Photographs/images. As an extension (if you have your own non-fiction text) you can find the glossary, contents, index and captions.

Houses and Homes Non-fiction

Wednesday – 

Zoom – Writing our checklist for a non chronological report (non-fiction text)

Thursday – Questions for Sub-headings. See Seesaw video.


Today we are planning our report, videos will be uploaded to Seesaw. Find the plan template below if you want to use it. 

Planning a Report

Wider Curriculum

Monday – RE

Tuesday – ART (mindfulness)

Art Mindfulness Collage Shapes

Wednesday – Science

What does exercise do to our bodies?

Jog on the spot for 30 seconds, 20 seconds rest, star jumps for 30 seconds, 20 seconds rest, jumping from side to side for 30 seconds.

Complete the worksheet below and then watch the Loom video about the effects of exercise on our bodies. 

Exercise Worksheet

Thursday – Maths – due to having two assemblies on Monday morning this is our time to catch up with our lessons 🙂

Friday – Mindfulness

Express Yourself Prompt Sheet

There is also a word search for you to do and some mindfulness colouring if you want to. 

Express Yourself Word Search

Express Yourself Mindful Colouring

Express yourself – remember, expressing yourself doesn’t mean being really good it’s doing something that makes you FEEL good.

Physical Activities 

Primary Stars skills videos will be added onto Seesaw on Monday and Thursday.

Take 5 minutes out of each day to practice being mindful,. It is not a physical activity but practicing mindfulness, like exercise, is good for your mental health.

Create a dance to your favourite song!

Daily Mile – place your footprints around your local area!