Year 1 WB 22/02/2021
Home Learning: Week Beginning 22nd February 2021 Hello Year One! I hope you all had a restful half term and enjoyed time with your families at home. Wasn’t it lovely to see some sunshine…Hopefully Spring is on its way! Until we know differently from the government, we will continue with our remote learning. You’ve all been superstars so far and I’ve no doubt you will continue to rise to the challenge for a little while longer. If you’ve not yet completed the ‘Rainbow Reading Challenge’, why not see if you can manage it before the end of next week? Next week, it is our annual Poetry Festival. Follow this link to our school Poetry Festival webpage and please also refer to the letter that was sent out via teachers2parents before the half term break. We are asking all children to learn one poem from their class selection and the children will then be asked to recite their poem in class if the children are in school, or via video recording on Seesaw during the week. Then two winners will be selected to perform their poem to their class during the class celebration zoom on Friday 5th March. Details remain the same for our Zoom sessions on Wednesday and Friday- see previous Seesaw messages. New details for Monday’s Worship Zoom were sent out via Seesaw on Friday 19th Feb. Monday 9.15-9.30 Wednesday 10.00-10.30 Friday 11.15-11.45 Miss Threlfall x