Year 1 WB 01/03/2021

Home Learning: Week Beginning 1st March 2021

Hello Year One!

We have made it to our final week of remote learning- well done to all of you!

This week we have our ‘Parents’ Meetings’ on Monday and Tuesday (parents please see email sent on Friday 26th Feb via Teachers2Parents for link/details)

Please make sure you have sent your video entry for the Poetry Festival by the end of the day on Tuesday– I’m looking forward to having a proper look at these but I think I will find choosing our winners very tricky!

Thursday is World Book Day…you can dress up if you wish. Please see suggested ideas below- 


Grimsargh St Michaels The Masked Reader (See Seesaw) sheet here- The Masked Reader quiz sheet

Zoom- 10.00 If you’ve chosen to dress up, you can show off your outfit, if you don’t want to dress up, bring your favourite book and a prop from the story. We will do a little quiz!            

Look at these ‘ten top tips’ for reading Ten-Tips

Take a photograph of yourself reading a book in an unusual place/to your pet/reading upside down- be creative!

If you could invite three book characters to a tea party, who would you invite? I’d be interested to know who you’d choose and why… Let me know on Seesaw!

WBD Scavenger hunt activityWorld-Book-Day-Scavenger-Hunt-Ages-5-7-1

Write your own mini story about absolutely anything! You could use these ideas for making your book to write inMake-a-Book-KS1

Design a bookmark! You could go traditional with a strip of paper or card that you decorate, make a different shaped bookmark, or even sew one! (I think I still have my cross stitch on binca bookmark I made when I was a little girl!)

Check out lots of extra ideas including a live session at 10.30 on the World Book Day website

WBD wordsearch- t-l-9571-ks1-world-book-day-word-search-_ver_1

Most importantly, enjoy your favourite story with a grown up at home. 

Friday is Mrs Coupe’s last working day- please check the second email I sent on Friday 26th Feb. To mark the end of our remote learning we’re having a day of thinking positive, both in school at home. There will be no formal learning tasks today, and no expectation for anything to be added to Seesaw- just enjoy the activities and suggestions detailed below (click to enlarge) Mrs Coulston has also given an art activity which would be lovely to do and links to our World Book Day celebrations- Stroyboard Year 1 World Book Day 

All details remain the same for our Zoom sessions- see previous Seesaw messages.

Monday 9.15-9.30       Wednesday 10.00-10.30        Thursday 10.00-10.30 (Details above)       Friday 11.15-11.45

Miss Threlfall x


Monday – 

Let’s review some phase 5 – ay, ou, oy, ea

Tuesday –

Wednesday –

Thursday – 

Use your tricky word rainbows and turn them into a game! 

Roll a dice/ball onto the rainbow and read whichever word it lands on. Keep a tally of how many you correctly read.

Extra challenge – can you spell the tricky words?

When you are reading your books today, try and see how many tricky words you can spot? 

Friday – 

Think positively and relax! No phonics for today, just have a look through the activities that Miss T has popped on the page and enjoy!



Watch my video-

Task- Build a sentence about Mr McGregor. Can you also think about and write down why you think Mr McGregor is like that? You can use this sheet or write in books/on paper English sheet Monday


Watch my video-

Task- Think about will happen next. What adventure will Peter Rabbit go on today? Discuss your ideas with a grown up and write down or film your thoughts on what will happen next.


Watch my video-

Task- Create a story map based on your work yesterday English sheet Wednesday

For each day, watch the video then complete the task. Upload what you have done to your Seesaw journal and I’ll have a look at how you have got on and give you some feedback too.

(You can print the task to complete, use a device to ‘write’ on the downloaded version or write down your work/answers on a piece of paper or in an exercise book)



Task- (first part only)



Task- (second part only)




Physical Activity


Put on your favourite music and have a good dance!


Enjoy a Cosmic Yoga session-


Tune into Joe Wicks’ PE this morning!
Wider Curriculum

Wider Curriculum-

Monday- Computing- Internet Safety- Listen to the end of my story about Smartie the Penguin

Task- Write a list of all the people you can speak to if something isn’t right when you’re online. Can you also write your own little song, rhyme or rap to remind you how to stay safe online, similar to the one that Smartie used?

Tuesday- Geography-

Think about last week’s task of making a bird feeder.

Have you spotted any visitors to your bird feeder over the week?

Imagine we you are going to tell other children how to make them. How could you do this?

Task- Write a set of instructions so someone else would be able to make a bird feeder like the ones we made last week.

What would they need?

What would they need to do? First, next, last?

Wednesday- RE

Enjoy the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle, and look at the life cycle of a butterfly

TaskComplete 2Do Paint Project for the life cycle of a butterfly on Purple Mash