Religious Education

Religious Education Policy 2024/2025
Progression- Attitude, Skills and Knowledge

We believe that RE has a key role in enabling pupils to develop values, attitudes and beliefs, respect for other religions and ways of life.

Our aim is for the religious education we provide to support our children in the formation of their own beliefs, values and attitudes, which they might develop fully in a rapidly changing world. RE is taught in accordance with the beliefs and traditions of the Church of England. This is also reflected in the curriculum and the whole life of the school community. The conduct of the school as a whole reflects the Church of England ethos. Although Religious Education and Collective Worship naturally compliment and enrich one another, they are managed separately.

Religious Education in Grimsargh St Michael’s School lies at the very heart of the curriculum.

RE will be taught with three ‘BIG Ideas’ in mind: 

Empathise: In RE we don’t just learn about the beliefs and practices of a faith, but we gain an appreciation of what it means to its followers and what those practices signify to believers. Empathising also allows us to explore the culture/ cultures surrounding faith.

Reflect: Reflect can be interpreted in many ways, including reflecting on the teachings of the faith, the practices of its adherents, the impact of that faith on the wider world, our personal responses to the faith, and more besides. 

React: Reacting can be on an intellectual level or an emotional level, and we can also help uncover personal feelings and prejudices.

Miss Smith is our Religious Education Lead. Please contact her via the office (01772 653600) with any queries or questions.


Religious Education at Grimsargh St. Michael’s School enables:

  • Pupils and teachers to talk openly and freely about their own personal beliefs and practice without fear of ridicule.

  • Pupils learn about Christianity.

  • Pupils from Christian families to talk openly about their beliefs and values in lessons and to grow in their faith.

  • Pupils from other faith backgrounds to understand and be encouraged in their faith.

  • Pupils with no religious background to be given an insight into what it means to be a person of faith.

  • Pupils of all backgrounds to have a safe place to explore the ultimate questions and challenges of life in today’s society.

End of Key Stage Expectations
By the end of Key Stage 1 children are expected to:

  • talk about God as creator of the world who loves us.
  • know that God is three in one, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • be able to retell both the nativity and Easter stories.
  • use religious words to talk about the celebrations of Christmas, Easter and Pentecost.
  • know that Christians believe Jesus is the Son of God who died on the cross and rose again.
  • know that Jesus had 12 special friends called disciples.
  • know that the Bible is our holy book and it contains God’s big story, the salvation plan.
  • be able to retell stories of Jesus’ miracles.
  • have visited a church and confidently talk about their experience and what they have learnt.
  • have had opportunity to ask reflective questions that wonder about Christian practice, values and beliefs.
  • be able to give examples of how Christians, put their beliefs into action.
  • know the names and significance of holy books from other faiths.
  • know the places where people of other faiths worship.
  • be developing a sense of their own values and the values of others.
  • have experienced taking part in the celebration of Harvest Festival.

By the end of Key Stage 2 children are expected to:

  • know that God is three in one, Father, Son and Holy Spirit – the Trinity.
  • know that in the beginning God created everything and it was good. People spoilt the environment and their relationship with God. This is known as the Fall.
  • know that Christians believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Saviour who came to rescue all people and restore their relationship with God.
  • know that Christians believe Jesus is the Son of God who died on the cross, rose again and is alive with us today.
  • know that Christians believe that Jesus will come again and Earth and Heaven will be transformed to be as God intended (the Kingdom of God).
  • Christians try to put the teaching of Jesus, the good news, into practice in their everyday lives and build God’s Kingdom on earth as best they can.
  • know that Pentecost was the start of the church.
  • know that Christians believe that the Holy Spirit is at work in their lives today.
  • know that Christianity is a worldwide multi-cultural faith
  • know that prayer is an important part of the life of a believer and explain why.
  • know the names and stories of at least 3 people in the past and present times who have been called by God to do his work and speak his word.
  • describe the impact responding to God’s call has on a believer’s life.
  • use developing religious vocabulary to talk about the impact religion has on believers’ lives.
  • be able to make comparisons and identify the similarities and differences between the rules for living in Christianity and two other world faiths.
  • ask important questions about religion and belief that improves their learning.
  • experience a visit to a place of worship other than a church.
  • talk knowledgeably about places of worship, the names and features of buildings and the worship that takes place there.
  • retell in detail the stories of Christmas and Easter describing core Christian beliefs and concepts.
  • connect Christian practices, values and beliefs to events and teaching in the Bible.
  • be able to describe and show understanding of the links between the teachings in other Holy Books and the behaviour of the believers.
  • be able to express and explain their own opinions on issues they have discussed.
  • use an increasingly wide religious vocabulary to talk about the meaning of rites of passage and pilgrimage experienced by believers as they journey through life.
  • describe what they think motivates people of faith and explain what inspires and influences them personally.
  • ask and suggest answers to questions that show their understanding of distinctive beliefs about God across three world religions.
  • know and be able to talk about the links between Christianity and Judaism.
  • describe the similarities and differences within and between Christian denominations with particular reference to the Eucharist.