Supporting the Royal British Legion
Remembrance Day
Year 5 took the lead during our Remembrance Day worship. We gathered together at 11:00 a.m. on the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the year, to give thanks for the brave troops who sacrificed/ sacrifice themselves to protect us.
Does your son/ daughter know why we have Remembrance Day on the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the year?
World War One came to an end on the 11th November 1918, after four years of fighting and the world became peaceful again.
Our Year 5 children visited Archbishop Temple High, to learn about Remembrance Day, they took the lead during whole school worship by explaining the symbolism of the poppy, showing us the wreaths that they created using felt and paper and marching in role as soldiers from World War 1 as they sang ‘It’s a long way to Tiperary.’
Bible Fun Club
The children in Bible Fun Club enjoyed learning about Remembrance Day, the symbolism of the poppy. Look at their biscuits!
Reception Class Learning about Remembrance Day