Resillience Week

Resillience Week- Do you have the courage to trust God?

During Resillience week the children focused on mental health and resillience. During worship the children enjoyed singing ‘In Christ Alone,’ . They discussed their understanding of mental health. We all have mental health. Mental health is about our feelings, our thinking, our emotions and our mood. We discussed the fact that it is ‘ok not to be ok.’  The children then talked about what we can do to support each other when we are not ok. 
How do you support your friends and family during challenging times? 
Look at the ten a day:
Miss Walwin-Holm is promoting resillience and improved self-esteem. Can your son/ daughter tell you about ‘Take Turns Tuesday’ or ‘Thoughtful Thursday’?

During worship we thanked God for being a friend during the good times and the challenging times.
We thanked God that we can share our weakness with Him and He gives us His strength. 
Black History Month
Miss Threlfall is our History subject leader. During whole school worship on Monday, she focused on Black History Month with the children. The children listened to ‘This is Me,’ from The Greatest Showman. They found out about Black History Month- when it started, how it’s celebrated and why it is so important. The children discussed the meaning of racism and looked at a few examples of how people have overcome it.  
What can we learn from this?
Do you have the courage to stand up for what is right?
Do you value uniqueness? How do you show this?


Moses showed great courage. Which person do you most admire who is alive today for showing great courage?

Harvest Festival


We supported our global neighbours by donating food to the local foodbank and donating money to the Bishop’s Harvest appeal. We supported the Mosamaria Trust. Mosamaria- a charity, which works in our link diocese of The Free State in South Africa; specifically supporting those who are impacted by the AIDS epidemic either directly or indirectly. Our donations were used to fund two specific aspects of their work, their Orphans and Vulnerable Children Programme (OVC) and their Adherence Programme.

  Harvest Art Work


We are all unique. What does that mean? How do you celebrate diversity.

Y5 exploring diversity. What does diversity mean to you?

Key Stage One learn about Places of Worship 

Children in Reception Class, Year One and Year 2 enjoyed learning about how Christians use The Church. We talked about places of worship, including The Synagogue, The Mosque and The Gurdwara. The children asked each other questions about places of worship and shared their expertise. 


Diverse Families- Recipe for a perfect family.

Every family is special and unique. What would you add to a recipe for the perfect family?


       We We are all unique. Reception class paint self-portraits and celebrate their differences. 


St Michael’s Church

Our children contributed to the Festival of Angels. Look at some of the amazing Art work. 


St Michael’s Day- Reception Class inspired Art work. 

How does St Michael inspire you?

Learning about St Michael through dance

Angel Wing Designs

If you had angel wings, what would they look like and why?

How do you stand up for good over evil like St Michael?