Art and Design Technology
To begin their topic Growth and green fingers Year 1 looked closely at flowers and drew from observation – adding more and more detail each time.

Year 2 created local landscapes in the style of David Hockney and drew local landmarks with shading pencils. including lots of detail.
Year 3 drew detailed images of their houses as part of their topic ‘There’s no place like home’.
Year 4 created Harvest images using a scraffito effect with wax crayons.
Year 5 created stunning artwork about ‘Women at War’ to commemorate the end of WWI.
Year 6 worked in the style of Wassily Kandisnky to create their colourful calendars for 2019.
They also painted fantastic winter trees in the style of Piet Mondrain
The children decorated eggs to wish a Happy Easter to everyone
Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who came to Art Club, to help decorate our metal Easter Eggs. Local artist Sarah Hicks is creating an art installation on Avenham Park, of eggs decorated by children from all over Preston. The installation will be ready for Easter Monday, so if you can, go and find your own egg!
A selection of our decorated eggs-
They will look great displayed altogether with many more from other schools.